Is it legal to lane split in your state?

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In CA there is a pretty stiff fine for opening your door on a biker.
If that cabbie did that to me he'd get the **** beat outta him. ignorant bastard.

we cant here in Saskatchewan and i think its kinda stupid/dangerous actually, mostly because of the above reason or getting cut off. most drivers dont shoulder check anyway, never mind the idiot teens on their phones. a bike can still get through traffic much easier than cars can so whats the point?

Not in Massachusetts as far as I know. But it's done alot and the PD don't seem to enforce it on the Cape. In Ma. two motorcycles can share a lane.
Cagers get pissed when you passs them lane splitting and will cut you off sometimes here.
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Not enough video! What happened ? Was that the Cabbie trying to dislodge the bike? He'd be awful busy looking for his chicklets instead of touching my bike. What are the odds your buddy is filming this! If guy was lane splitting in a State that does not allow it, he screwed himself.

Not here in Michigan. But I always wondered how you guys that are legally able to do so, get treated?

Everybody knows it's legal in California.We also get to ride so lo in the carpool lanes too. Surface streets are more dangerous when there's heavy traffic. Free ways or express ways as you call them on the east coast are much safer. Lots of people will veer out of my way.I would be Sooooo pissed off if I couldn't lane split:damn angry:
Not just no but hell no here. Hell they pull you over just to see if you have a MC license if they even think you might not.
Even though it's legal here in CA, I don't do it in moving traffic. However, on surface streets, when waiting for a light. I will work my way through stopped cars to the head of the line. Then, when the light goes green, I'm gone.
I lane split my whole riding life in both France and the UK. Since it is normal over there, there is not much attitude towards it, apart from when bikers are crazy and go too fast between slow/stopped traffic or take out car mirrors.

When I moved to FL, I thought it was totally retarded that it was illegal - almost made riding a bike in town pointless!! I was SO used to always get to the top of traffic at the lights, and then disappear in the distance before any cager had time to think about releasing their brakes..

Anyway, AFAIK it's ok here in Australia (Bazwell correct me if I'm wrong) but there are so few bikes I'm not sure what the view on it will be. When I eventually get my bike through compliance, I'll find out quickly enough :)
Even if it was legal....which I'm sure it isn' would be complete suicide amongst all these pushy, arrogant, aggressive New Yawkers! :punk:

When I see that NY plate, I stay as far away as I can. When they're leaving the Cape on the way home it's dangerous being near them (pissed they spent a lot of $$). I noticed NY cagers don't like anyone passing them on the right and will try to speed up to screw you. Also NY cagers like to rinse you with the windshield washers if you get too close. MA drivers fly and always abuse the speed limit (which is good if you're speeding too), they'll seldom pull over to let you pass. RI drivers flip you off and don't signal, quick to threaten you (tiny state syndrome)
. Connecticutt and Canadian drivers aren't bad here. Vacation land is great after Labor Day.

I didn't think it was legal anywhere..?
And dang.. it looks kinda dangerous, especially the way people are these days..not paying attention.. or just plain mad at the world.

there was a poll a while back that most CA cagers did not know it was legal and something like 50% of them admitted to 'trying to stop it'.
I have a good idea if one of those ****** opens his door just to stop me.
They should mind their own business instead of playing law enforcement.

Here it's the jungle, no specific rules... Kind of dangerous riding around.
I don't abuse and do it carefully, but traffic is so bad that not splitting lane would eventually make my bike overheating. With the weather no other choice than to keep moving.

In France, it's normal.. cars even give way to the bikes.
Can't splitt'em in Nevada either. I'm from Kalifornia and lane splitting saved me hours of time in my youth. I wouldnt split lanes now though. Some Cali bikers have done it here though and paid the price. Cops don't like it and neither do some of the wonderful, courtious, and respectful drivers here in the Silver state.
I (we) have to ride like our life deponds on it cause it does.
