Ok, So what happens when traffic is stopped at a light, and you "lane split" all the way to the light/intersection..... Do you stay in between the cars, or nudge your way in line with them?
Even with my old 700 Virago it was obvious what to do once you were first in line between cars, giver er' hell!
No really you can out accelerate 90% or cars so you just gassed it and moved over into the lane. I believe the law states that you are not supposed to be moving 10 mph faster than the traffic. When in Sand Diego I would always pass traffic to the front of the line at traffic lights. Many times I would follow a motorcycle cop to the front.
I never felt like I was in danger, the only thing you had to watch for was a lane changer, but if you were following the rules it was easy enough to react to prevent a problem.
Update: Just out of curiosity I grabbed this out of the California manual : Lane splitting should not be
performed by inexperienced riders.
When choosing to lane split, skilled
motorcycle riders should consider
the following:
• Traffic flow—Travel at a speed
that is no more than 10 mph faster
than other traffic; danger increases
at higher speed differentials. Lane
splitting is not advised when traffic flow is at 30 mph or faster;
danger increases as overall speed
• Traffic lanes—Lane splitting is
encouraged to be done between
the #1 and #2 lanes; typically, it
is safer to lane split in these lanes
than between other lanes.