Is it normal to americans to ask a question...

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I'm pretty sure it's not an American or European difference, but more a difference on how people are respectful and how they do business.
You have some serious guys doing business (buyers or sellers) with great reputation and you have the others...
Being respectful or replying doesn't cost much anyway... :p

I just say +1 for Prez and Sean as sellers for always taking the time to answer and to advise :p
Be careful with this, Hitler was saying the same and got his ass kicked...

Perfect example of an American conversation and how it works for us and confuses others...:ummm:

I was using American political sarcasm , late night talk shows and the Daily Show/Jon Stewart use it to perfection .:punk:
Where the hell you did came to idea Im a VENDOR?

Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: ven?dor
Pronunciation: 'ven-d&r, ven-'dor
Variant: also vend?er /'ven-d&r/
Function: noun
: one that sells something

Word Origin & History

1590s, from late Anglo-Fr. vendor , from vendre "to vend,"
from L. vendere "to sell" (see vend).

I thought you were complaining about Americans and the way they were treating you when you were trying to sell something. My Bad.
Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: ven?dor
Pronunciation: 'ven-d&r, ven-'dor
Variant: also vend?er /'ven-d&r/
Function: noun
: one that sells something

Word Origin & History

1590s, from late Anglo-Fr. vendor , from vendre "to vend,"
from L. vendere "to sell" (see vend).

I thought you were complaining about Americans and the way they were treating you when you were trying to sell something. My Bad.
Direct translation of VENDOR here is diffrent. When Im seling lets say a BIKE or CAR but itb was my private one and only one Im not a VENDOR.
When Im selling something in series or Im a shop etc like Sean - then Im a VENDOR.

In EU diffrence beteween VENDOR and private user is like road from here to moon...even law is diffrent. Thats whay I dont have a VENDOR's section in this forum...
I've tought its not an american forum but international one and we all should learn, huh?
Ya, anything from this point on is likely to be acrimonious so I'm done with this one.
It's EBAY. People ask stupid questions constantly. I run a Powerseller/Top Rated seller account selling stuff for work, and the sheer volume of pointless questions every day still amazes me. People asking what size it is, when the size is listed in both the title and description. Times 10. The best solution is just to answer it and be done. And as you noted, probably 95% of the time I never hear from them again. Honestly I don't want to engage in back-and-forth banter about what size something is. They asked a question, I answered it, end of story. I don't see why you would expect something more, espicially from an internet shopping mega-giant like said....window shopping...people fire off questions with the slightest passing interest and no intent to buy. Just nature of the beast.

As for the forum...when questions are asked and issues brought up, it really is common courtesy to respond to suggestions or advice. Even if it's "already tried that" or "tried installing this", and when you do finally resolve the issue, post a "follow up" in your own thread detailing what the problem actually was and what you did to fix it. That way as Midnight said the knowledge base grows instead of stagnates. I try to address all suggestions or relevant comments when I reply to an issue I started but I'm sure I miss some and I'm not "blowing off" your particular suggestion. I've offered suggestions to other's peoples problems and not been addressed....I'm not all huffy and offended about it.

But really, the forum is a "relatively" big place, I post a lot, and don't always "check up" on all my posts to see if a question has been posted about any one of them. Sometimes people PM me about a "dead" thread or ask for a better explanation about something I did which I will gladly oblige.
... and then playing your never exist?
Im just curious...why they always want an answer NOW! and they dont give
a **** after they get that answer...

I think it's because some buyers have had a strip ripped off their ass from a seller if they decide they don't want the product. The buyers asks a few questions to research the product and if the buyer decides it is too expensive or not what they want, I've seen sellers explode in anger and tell the buyer why are they wasting their time. So, I guess for some, it is easier and less confrontational to simply disappear in the "Internet cloud" than to say they are not interested.

I've tought its not an american forum but international one and we all should learn, huh?

This is actually a Canadian run forum!! :punk::Nixon::snow:

Ive asked a few questions on here and havent got a respone to either of them, so its just a general thing ppl do

I've gone through your posts but can't find an unanswered one. Let us know which one it is so we can help you out. :cheers:
I think it's because some buyers have had a strip ripped off their ass from a seller if they decide they don't want the product. The buyers asks a few questions to research the product and if the buyer decides it is too expensive or not what they want, I've seen sellers explode in anger and tell the buyer why are they wasting their time. So, I guess for some, it is easier and less confrontational to simply disappear in the "Internet cloud" than to say they are not interested.
I would dare to say its a "chicken shitting"...
Serioulsy I like to hear just YES or NO instead nothing to say.
I've always tought its a sing of good manners - at least its the way my
parents teach'd me...
But I can see opinions here varies...

This is actually a Canadian run forum!! :punk::Nixon::snow:
So evryone whos not canadian is not welcome? LOL
I...and when you do finally resolve the issue, post a "follow up" in your own thread detailing what the problem actually was and what you did to fix it.

Man does that piss the crap outta me. I've been fortunate enough to have not witness this on this forum, but on others I'll zero in on a thread that I know will be able to help me fix my issue, but the very last post will be "Fixed it"? WTF? How? Which one of the thousands of suggestions fixed it? Was it really what you thought it was? ARGGGG
RaWarrior; said:
It's EBAY. People ask stupid questions constantly. I run a Powerseller/Top Rated seller account selling stuff for work, and the sheer volume of pointless questions every day still amazes me. People asking what size it is, when the size is listed in both the title and description. Times 10. The best solution is just to answer it and be done. And as you noted, probably 95% of the time I never hear from them again. Honestly I don't want to engage in back-and-forth banter about what size something is. They asked a question, I answered it, end of story. I don't see why you would expect something more, espicially from an internet shopping mega-giant like said....window shopping...people fire off questions with the slightest passing interest and no intent to buy. Just nature of the beast.

The best questions comes when Yar seling a RED CAR and you are geting the quiestions like "is that really a car" or "is that really red"? .................

The best solution for me is to just sell the items I have left and just leave the place I dont belong and I dont understand...for good....

RaWarrior; said:
As for the forum...when questions are asked and issues brought up, it really is common courtesy to respond to suggestions or advice. Even if it's "already tried that" or "tried installing this", and when you do finally resolve the issue, post a "follow up" in your own thread detailing what the problem actually was and what you did to fix it. That way as Midnight said the knowledge base grows instead of stagnates. I try to address all suggestions or relevant comments when I reply to an issue I started but I'm sure I miss some and I'm not "blowing off" your particular suggestion. I've offered suggestions to other's peoples problems and not been addressed....I'm not all huffy and offended about it.

I dont mind being unanswered on the forum or even not geting any "thanks".
I've already get used to that.

Im recieving many many PM's with diffrent questions - like all of us who "commited" a hudge amount of posts and also having some knowlege - especially when you have done something very interesting and the people "do want"...

RaWarrior; said:
But really, the forum is a "relatively" big place, I post a lot, and don't always "check up" on all my posts to see if a question has been posted about any one of them. Sometimes people PM me about a "dead" thread or ask for a better explanation about something I did which I will gladly oblige.

Got 3 of those yesterday LOL
Man does that piss the crap outta me. I've been fortunate enough to have not witness this on this forum, but on others I'll zero in on a thread that I know will be able to help me fix my issue, but the very last post will be "Fixed it"? WTF? How? Which one of the thousands of suggestions fixed it? Was it really what you thought it was? ARGGGG

And this is another distasting thingy on every forum Ive met...when they get what they wanted they never care to log in and share the results anymore - its just...sad...