It was bound to happen

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milton, Ontario Canada
Well boys, as they say there are two types of riders, those that have gone down and those that will. Today I changed my status, yes I went down on my Max. Before mass hysteria and panic set in the bike is fine, just some minor damage (a bar end mirror got wasted, my clutch lever is bent, COO case guard did its job and got smacked around a bit, shifter is slightly bent) and nothing that isn't easy to fix or replace. The reason the bike faired so well is that its wonderful rider sacrificed himself and let the bike land on him.

Now as for the circumstances to my fall from grace. A byproduct of the new EFI system is that when the low fuel light comes on, the fuel pump stops, and the engine dies. This happened to me today while on the road. No biggie, I just put on my blinker, slowly applied brakes, and coasted towards the shoulder. The problem was the truck behind me that didnt see my blinker or brake lights!!! Bastard ran me off the road. Figured the ditch looked a hell of a lot better than being a hood ornament!! As soon as my front tire hit the soft shoulder at 50km/h it twisted the bars out of my hands and down we went!

Now as for me, well I am sore as hell and my whole left side hurts to beat the band!!! Minor bruising, some leather gone from my gloves, a really bruised left foot, and minor muscle pulls so I got off lucky. This is why I wear all the gear all the time!!

Now I am off to order parts to fix it!!!!
Well boys, as they say there are two types of riders, those that have gone down and those that will. Today I changed my status, yes I went down on my Max. Before mass hysteria and panic set in the bike is fine, just some minor damage (a bar end mirror got wasted, my clutch lever is bent, COO case guard did its job and got smacked around a bit, shifter is slightly bent) and nothing that isn't easy to fix or replace. The reason the bike faired so well is that its wonderful rider sacrificed himself and let the bike land on him.

Now as for the circumstances to my fall from grace. A byproduct of the new EFI system is that when the low fuel light comes on, the fuel pump stops, and the engine dies. This happened to me today while on the road. No biggie, I just put on my blinker, slowly applied brakes, and coasted towards the shoulder. The problem was the truck behind me that didnt see my blinker or brake lights!!! Bastard ran me off the road. Figured the ditch looked a hell of a lot better than being a hood ornament!! As soon as my front tire hit the soft shoulder at 50km/h it twisted the bars out of my hands and down we went!

Now as for me, well I am sore as hell and my whole left side hurts to beat the band!!! Minor bruising, some leather gone from my gloves, a really bruised left foot, and minor muscle pulls so I got off lucky. This is why I wear all the gear all the time!!

Now I am off to order parts to fix it!!!!

Well buddy i have the clutch lever from the 09 if it fits,like i told you allready and some stock mirrors,lol if you need them.Glad that you are ok and please get that thing fixed for aug 2,hehehehe.
Glad to hear you were not hurt to bad. I am going to invest in some gear i always wear short and a light jacket but after hearing all these accidents i am reavaluating my decision..
ps did you get the trucks lic plate for a little payback?? lol
Whew Jim, glad to hear you're O.K.! VOTE VOODOO can be fixed, but you are irreplaceable!
I have a defiantly not pristine clutch lever if you need. I whacked my shift lever earlier this year but was able to take it off and bring it back to stock position.
Glad to hear the gear did it's work! I don't ever want to be sliding down the highway wishing I'd put on my protective gear. I'm with you Jim, wear your protective gear all the time! :thumbs up:
Well Jim, I have to say... I don't care about the bikes. They can be fixed. You, on the other hand, have to heal.

Everytime I see a " I just went down " post, I don't think about the bike. I'm just happy that the rider is still aroud to post the " I went down " post.

Take it easy bro, Thanks for the information. I always like to hear it from a friend, not from the mortuary pages from the newspaper or the forums.
OMG Jim... So sorry to hear this man. What's going on lately with all of us? You're the third person in the last two months I know that has gone down and had COO sliders that saved the bike.

Glad to hear you're ok. How bad off do you think the bike is? My little off cost me right at 2400 bucks so it adds up QUICK!

Like you I wear gear all the time no matter how hot.

Heal up man!
**** man! I come back from a nice ride with the wife and read this.

Really sorry to hear what happened Jim, but very happy that it's not worst. Snowmax (by the way, I still like this name the best) can be fixed and if you need it and I got it, it's yours!

Heal up and get her done and back on the road soon.

I`m sorry to hear that Jim,
I had a simular thing happen to me a few years back on my honda when, a guy in a pick up decided to share lanes with me.
He was so close that I litteraly knocked on his door and asked him W.T.F. he was thinking and, his reply was "he didn`t see me" (probably because I was right beside him):damn angry:.
He almost ran me up into the divider island in the middle of the road.
He probably thinks those mirrors on the side of the doors are just decorations. but, I`m glad that your`e alright (God was with you that day)
don`t forget to thank him.
Take care and , God bless you.
Sorry to hear this, I dread reading about accidents, it reminds me how vulnerable we all are each time we venture out on out bikes.
I'm grateful everyday for the pleasure I get out of riding and dread the thought of getting smashed up and losing that opportunity.
Glad you're OK.
Is good that you weren't hurt any worse. I can't handle the people who cause an accident, then split. Flat pizz's me off. Had a guy from my work area, who was on a HD one night this last month. He passes a car at night, the car then passes him, then slams on the brakes. He hit the car and went hooters up. The car then took off. This was on a 4 lane highway, 65 mph limit. A guy behind them, in a pickup, saw what happened and went after the car, got the plates and directed the sheriff to it. (This guy also mentioned where the biker was down. ) Turns out that a gal was driving the car, didn't like the bike's bright headlight, and wanted to get even. I don't like some bright lights either, but attempted murder? Geeesh. At least, thanks to the cowboy in the pickup, they got this bitty. Hope she gets to stamp my next personal BIKE tag and thrown in a male prison. Won't matter if she be cute or not, she'll still be popular. 'The only one in town.':rofl_200:
Damn sorry to hear this Jim. Very glad you are okay!
Is good that you weren't hurt any worse. I can't handle the people who cause an accident, then split. Flat pizz's me off. Had a guy from my work area, who was on a HD one night this last month. He passes a car at night, the car then passes him, then slams on the brakes. He hit the car and went hooters up. The car then took off. This was on a 4 lane highway, 65 mph limit. A guy behind them, in a pickup, saw what happened and went after the car, got the plates and directed the sheriff to it. (This guy also mentioned where the biker was down. ) Turns out that a gal was driving the car, didn't like the bike's bright headlight, and wanted to get even. I don't like some bright lights either, but attempted murder? Geeesh. At least, thanks to the cowboy in the pickup, they got this bitty. Hope she gets to stamp my next personal BIKE tag and thrown in a male prison. Won't matter if she be cute or not, she'll still be popular. 'The only one in town.':rofl_200:

**** that's for real? That is flat out crazy. I really hope she did not mean to knock him off.

I had some guy a couple weeks ago infact an LSU baseball player, I played tennis for LSU. Anyway I was chilling and two lanes was going to one right by the stadium. I was in front. He came along side me and stopped. I accelerated a little so did he. Looked at him and he was laughing at me??? I was about an inch from going down in the gravel and a 2 foot drop. Anyway I accelerated past him. Stopped in the middle of the street in front of him got off, punched his window, told him to get f*%$ out at whcih point he sped off lol. Im 6,3 200lbs and I had my jacket and helmet still on.

Pisses me of
Thanks for all the well wishes gents! I am in fairly good shape all things considered. To be honest a big part of me is glad that the shoulder was soft or the damage to me and the bike would be a lot worse! At worst I am going to be sore for a couple of days and damage to the bike is really quite minimal considering. I really got lucky on all accounts. Funny thing is I had just passed a defensive driving course earlier in the day which really reinforced situational awareness. I shudder to think if I hadn't looked in the mirrors and seen the truck. Well, I need to get the bike to the tuners today and go sit in the hot tub.
glad that ur able to write about it. also glad that nothing major happened to the bike. heal quick!
Well **** Jim!!! I just read this, it's a bummer for sure but could be way much worse!

You'll have "Darkside" back in 'tip-top' soon, Jody'll take care of patching up Storm!! :biglaugh:

Be well my friend and heal up soon!
