Jap Bike killer - bmw 1000rr

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When buying Italian anything you usually arent worried about the money.
The bimmer looks like it got punched in the eye. :rofl_200:

The small Italian Resturant here in town makes a much better lasagna than Olive Garden so I don't mind paying an extra 3 bucks!

The Aprillia numbers would also vary +/- according to the same factors. A dyno showing the bimmer making 180 may also have the Aprillia making 170. I agree they're all just a bunch of numbers.

Don't all newer bimmer bikes look like they were punched in one eye?!!!

The small Italian Resturant here in town makes a much better lasagna than Olive Garden so I don't mind paying an extra 3 bucks!

:bang head::bang head: Oh man my local little Italian place just closed:bang head::bang head:.
But sometimes I like the O.G. for the bread sticks and alfado source and pile of cheese. :clapping:
I've read that they made it a bit more rideable for the average guy with features like a lean angle sensor etc. that limit engine power at instances while riding (not just rain mode). Not sure if this is a good idea... more inexperienced riders going faster...

Still an amazing machine!
Good God:surprise:

That thing is insane.
I believe the speedo is set on KPH rather than MPH. Looking at the movement of the items (white lines, poles, etc) he is passing, it doesn't look like he is going that fast.
I believe the speedo is set on KPH rather than MPH. Looking at the movement of the items (white lines, poles, etc) he is passing, it doesn't look like he is going that fast.

Someone else made the same comment somewhere, BUT if you look at the rev counter versus the final drive drive/tyre circumference it wouldn't be hard to calculate
I believe the speedo is set on KPH rather than MPH. Looking at the movement of the items (white lines, poles, etc) he is passing, it doesn't look like he is going that fast.

Hmm, I don't know. My speedo is in kph and I've gone 180 plus and that video looks faster than that.
Definitly mph not kph. The gsxrs and r1s etc. are all governed at 299kph here.
I know its bad ass and all but the truth is that there's not that many men that can take that bike to its true limits.

most people that buy the supersport bikes cant ride them to their true limits.
most people that buy the supersport bikes cant ride them to their true limits.
True. Its true for allot of bikes. Vmax included.

It should be interesting how japan responds to the bmw. Maybe a green bike.lol
Do the Canyons or Freeways count as "tracks"?:confused2: :rofl_200:

You know what these are really good for?
******* with cops!:eusa_dance:
Roll up next to one and look at him while giving him the middle finger:th_flipthebird:. :rofl_200:
Then off like a rocket, they dont have a prayer.

Not saying that I would do that:whistlin:

Whats the top end on that R1 FREERIDER? I wonder how many guys have the nuts to run any of those liter class bikes up to the limit? All i can say is that at speeds over 150 you start to understand things alot more clearly especially after a near miss or 2. Bad ass speed up close to 200. Respect death in the upper end of the speedo, she is close by and will take us quickly!:punk:
True. Its true for allot of bikes. Vmax included.

It should be interesting how japan responds to the bmw. Maybe a green bike.lol

Whats the top end on that R1 FREERIDER? I wonder how many guys have the nuts to run any of those liter class bikes up to the limit? All i can say is that at speeds over 150 you start to understand things alot more clearly especially after a near miss or 2. Bad ass speed up close to 200. Respect death in the upper end of the speedo, she is close by and will take us quickly!:punk:
Correct, many cannot take a modern sport bike to it full limits. But I know a few who can.
I know I can take a stock VMAX to its limits. Next is one all worked up with suspension and more motor:punk:.

Ive seen 186. But Im sure Ive been into the 90's.
The death Ive seen is when they go 110% balls out:bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::cheers:
The bitch is when theres some air time before you hit. :coolgleamA:
I believe the speedo is set on KPH rather than MPH. Looking at the movement of the items (white lines, poles, etc) he is passing, it doesn't look like he is going that fast.
He's going that fast!
Even I dont like doing that **** at night. Notice how the tail lights look, all small and bouncing around? Even worse with glasses on under the face shield of the helemt. Gotta be looking close to see what lane the cars are in. If it even is a car, might be a semi. Like the poor bastard who impaled himself on the corner of the semi trailer.

Interesting how I the most Ive seen is the same number that sticks on his speedo.
Ive always herd that the digital speedo's are off compared to GPS, under what is read not over.