Ah Damn.....
Dumb **** ************* stunters....
Proud members of the "LOOK AT ME" Set.......These bastards only do this **** when they have a crowd.......I've been hoping for years one of these ******** would dump a wheelie in front of me while in my van on the freeway when there's a pack of 'em doing stunts in heavy traffic rolling at 55-70. I guarantee I'd not brake or swerve.. ....Houstons full of these ******* ....
Obviously there was a crowd of revelers outdoors having a "block party"....
What would you or I do if we saw this???? First thing in my minid is "slow down, there's probably kids playing I can't see" Much less driving thru an "abandoned" nieghborhood...There WILL be kids around, you should expect it!
And didn't everyone play in the street when you were a kid, jeez, we all did...They said it was a " non-thru traffic street"..damn, thats suburban paradise.....
What does this ******* do.....Start stunting????? Hell, he probably saw the kid and tried to "Cut it close" just for fun......Not hitting her on purpose but might as well have....
This fuckhead needs to go down for Manslaughter, not negligent homicide, hopefully one of the parents will just kill him and save everyone some time..