Just signed up today to the VMOA.

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C'mon Jim, You didn't enjoy at least one of the 50 pizzas I had delivered to your house? :rofl_200:

So THAT's where all those pizza's have been coming from!!! They sent them to the wrong address KJ, in fact 15 pizzas showed up right out of the blue on Saturday of the 2009 Brownie Run!! :clapping:

This is what started the addiction that ended up with a bunch of us trooping up to northern NY for pizza last month!

Thanks Jimmy, thanks KJ....keep 'em coming!! :thumbs up:
So THAT's where all those pizza's have been coming from!!! They sent them to the wrong address KJ, in fact 15 pizzas showed up right out of the blue on Saturday of the 2009 Brownie Run!! :clapping:

This is what started the addiction that ended up with a bunch of us trooping up to northern NY for pizza last month!

Thanks Jimmy, thanks KJ....keep 'em coming!! :thumbs up:

You guys have all the fun :rofl_200:
Dale, Thanks for the Bandit comment.

I looked through my posts as you have suggested. I have made responses to the following:
1) VMOA website issues
2) Communication issues via the VMOA website
3) Lack of replies to correspondence between new/existing members and site administrators.
4) Why pay for the VMOA when sites like vmaxforum.net exist.

As for items 1,2,and 3, there continue to be posts that the VMOA needs to improve its communication practices and its website. These are some of the reasons I left the VMOA in 2007. Because the VMOA continues to have these issues and I am drawing attention to them is not slanderous or profane. Like my GM analogy, you can either fix the problem, excuse them away, or attack the critic. This I will guarantee, if the problem gets fixed, you won't hear anything from me!

Item 4 has been explained very well already. I will endorse this forum as one that is superior to the VMOA site in content and reliability based on my experiences in both.

BTW, I did not make any requests as a VMOA member for 125 horsepower and 50 mpg. The "special treatment" I demanded while VMOA a member was:
1) answer my emails
2) acknowledge my membership/profile queries
3) give me a website that works better.

I have made numerous posts through www.vmaxforum.net for help on items such as more horsepower, better mileage, warmer hands, scenic routes, etc. Any VMOA member on this forum who feels insulted and does not want to assist me because I have pointed out a few well-documented problems has the right to do so. If you do decide to offer me help, food, lodging, etc through this forum please do it as a good fellow rider; I have and will continue to do the same for you. Offering anything and then throwing it back in someone's face because of negative comments about a club truly is insulting.

If all you want to be is a member of a great website than stick to it. There's lots to choose from. I'm sure you can develope lots of relationships over the net.
You forget many VMOA members don't use a computer and their only means of communication with other members is personal contact and the Vboost mag. $30 doesn't cover much more then the mag and sponsoring rides throughout everywhere. The website will evolve. An organization of volunteers always moves slowly. You'll never convince me that the $30 membership isn't worth it.

As far as I know you received much assistance from VMOA members with your bike. You met these people through your membership. You never seemed satisfied with that assistance hence the comment re: HP/mileage. So much so that now you've sold it. That assistance alone was worth more than whatever membership fees you ever paid. So everytime you say you didn't receive value you insult those members that helped you.

Again...why are you still here? (I really don't need an answer)

Enough ping pong. I'm done. You're not a member. Your comments aren't welcome.

VMOA #2592
Dale, Thanks for the Bandit comment.

I looked through my posts as you have suggested. I have made responses to the following:
1) VMOA website issues
2) Communication issues via the VMOA website
3) Lack of replies to correspondence between new/existing members and site administrators.
4) Why pay for the VMOA when sites like vmaxforum.net exist.

As for items 1,2,and 3, there continue to be posts that the VMOA needs to improve its communication practices and its website. These are some of the reasons I left the VMOA in 2007. Because the VMOA continues to have these issues and I am drawing attention to them is not slanderous or profane. Like my GM analogy, you can either fix the problem, excuse them away, or attack the critic. This I will guarantee, if the problem gets fixed, you won't hear anything from me!

Item 4 has been explained very well already. I will endorse this forum as one that is superior to the VMOA site in content and reliability based on my experiences in both.

BTW, I did not make any requests as a VMOA member for 125 horsepower and 50 mpg. The "special treatment" I demanded while VMOA a member was:
1) answer my emails
2) acknowledge my membership/profile queries
3) give me a website that works better.

I have made numerous posts through www.vmaxforum.net for help on items such as more horsepower, better mileage, warmer hands, scenic routes, etc. Any VMOA member on this forum who feels insulted and does not want to assist me because I have pointed out a few well-documented problems has the right to do so. If you do decide to offer me help, food, lodging, etc through this forum please do it as a good fellow rider; I have and will continue to do the same for you. Offering anything and then throwing it back in someone's face because of negative comments about a club truly is insulting.



First off I commend you on a well thought out post. You have now provided something that I can address directly. While I recognize that your issues with the VMOA will never go away I can speak to all of your points.

1) What you, and most folks to be honest, do not realize is that the VMOA has recognized the issues with the website and I am personally working with a couple of folks to revamp/redesign the site to be much more user friendly. As anything done right takes time we have not made any announcements and will be putting the new site online once we get it to where we want it.

2) Communication issues are sometimes a problem. As has been said multiple times we are a volunteer organization and we have lives outside of the VMOA. Because of this there can be a lag between when a message is sent to us and when a reply is sent back. I have also discussed with you and others that when you find a delay contact myself, Kelvin, or your Regional Director to give us a chance to resolve the issue.

3) See #2

4) You are correct if all you want is to have access to a website that you can get the information you are looking for from. I will have you note that the only reason that Ontario events are even posted here is that myself and the other members from Ontario have made decisions to post them here. If we did not make the decision to reach out to as many Vmax owners as we can and stuck just to VMOA members you would not have revceived the ride information you have in the past.

Hope this does address your issues to some extent.
OK... We done pissing about now?

Ok thanks...

Hey Ghost. I have been a member for about 3 years now I think. I nearly NEVER go to the site because it's outdated and seldom used by others. I will probably continue to be a member because it IS a way to meet people and hell... It's cheap... Come-on what is it now? 30? 40? bucks?

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