Dale, Thanks for the Bandit comment.
I looked through my posts as you have suggested. I have made responses to the following:
1) VMOA website issues
2) Communication issues via the VMOA website
3) Lack of replies to correspondence between new/existing members and site administrators.
4) Why pay for the VMOA when sites like vmaxforum.net exist.
As for items 1,2,and 3, there continue to be posts that the VMOA needs to improve its communication practices and its website. These are some of the reasons I left the VMOA in 2007. Because the VMOA continues to have these issues and I am drawing attention to them is not slanderous or profane. Like my GM analogy, you can either fix the problem, excuse them away, or attack the critic. This I will guarantee, if the problem gets fixed, you won't hear anything from me!
Item 4 has been explained very well already. I will endorse this forum as one that is superior to the VMOA site in content and reliability based on my experiences in both.
BTW, I did not make any requests as a VMOA member for 125 horsepower and 50 mpg. The "special treatment" I demanded while VMOA a member was:
1) answer my emails
2) acknowledge my membership/profile queries
3) give me a website that works better.
I have made numerous posts through
www.vmaxforum.net for help on items such as more horsepower, better mileage, warmer hands, scenic routes, etc. Any VMOA member on this forum who feels insulted and does not want to assist me because I have pointed out a few well-documented problems has the right to do so. If you do decide to offer me help, food, lodging, etc through this forum please do it as a good fellow rider; I have and will continue to do the same for you. Offering anything and then throwing it back in someone's face because of negative comments about a club truly is insulting.