Yes, it all depends on the area, and every area has it's "have-nots" that want to become "haves" without doing any of the work. Downtown troy? I don't leave my bike there, ever. If I have to go there, I take the truck, ensure the bed is empty, and lock it.
Schroon lake? I leave the keys in things parked on the street. Though I did stop doing that after a friend left the key in his snowmobile outside of a bar and it got stolen. Too bad, but even the most rural Adirondack town still has it's shitheads.
The biggest case is Canada. Canada has some of the world's best snowmobiling and it's a huge tourist draw for them. Unfortunately, every theif in the country targets Americans that crossed the border. It's scary how many people on snowmobile forums got ripped off while up there. Sleds stolen from restaurants. License plate theft is practically guaranteed. More than a few had their entire rig...truck, trailer, sleds, stolen from hotels. And from what I've heard, the Canadian police really don't give a crap about American tourists and it's extremely rare for anything to be recovered. I won't go riding there because theft is such a huge issue in the snowmobile hotspots.
Then again, guns are hardly a "free for all" in the US. People who want to legally own a gun have to go through background checks, loads of paperwork, waiting periods, ect. It's not like every American has an arsenal in their living room. If you want a concealed carry permit, it's even more forms, more waiting, instruction and testing, and an inch-thick rulebook about when you can and, more specifically, can't use your concealed weapon. And of course, the trash that are going to commit crimes with their weapons buy them off the paperwork, no background checks, no rules. As usual, the government polices the people who don't need to be.