just thought id share

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That's because you live in a country that doesn't allow a man to be free. The US is a whole lot different than the rest of the world.

I think it;s awesome.

Man that happens it the whole europe and the 70% of the world - I cant even imagine doing things like that...my personal advice:
Do not ever do this in EU cuz you will end lynched badly...
Man that happens it the whole europe and the 70% of the world - I cant even imagine doing things like that...my personal advice:
Do not ever do this in EU cuz you will end lynched badly...

come on man, move on over here to the USA so you can see what its like to live free...

everyone should have a weapon to be able to at least keep the govt in line... to bad ours is getting out of control and may need put back in line one of these days... we need another REVOLUTION!!!
On the charge of leting a 4 year old kid to use a GUN...
5-10 years in PL...I bealive twice in Germany...

I can asure you that 80% of europenas would kick you ass and call the police for doing things like that...

geeze, you Europeans....

its not like the kid was out there alone with the weapon. he was adult supervised. it would be the europeans that would try to kick his ass... then end up getting shot by his concealed weapon for trying.... i saw enough videos of how yall like to gang up on folks instead of fighting one on one...
Funny thing is having grown up in France and lived half my life in the UK, when I moved to the states I couldn't believe how safe I felt and how much friendlier and respectful (in FL anyway) people were compared to Europe.

I also really enjoyed keeping my bike mostly unlocked and leaving the helmet on it while going for lunch for example, try that anywhere in Europe and there will be nothing left there when you come back - I give it 5-10mns tops!

So much for (almost) everyone carrying guns.. I want one!
Well your americans have very specific point of view about eu...I can keep my car open and bike unlocked at the front of my house forever and no one will ever do something witch that...completly diffrent stories in the bigger cities slums...Im not even going there unesecerly...
I bealive that would be the same as in the US huh?
Some places are safe and some are not...

I cant even imagine giving a gun to the child, even with supervision

In PL guns are allowed under special permision, you can quote a permision in any time. You need to collect some psychical test, need a clear record and some other bureaucracy which will take some time...BUT YOU CAN HAVE A GUN!
But...about 5% ot EU population HAVE a gun... damn we are so wrong huh?

Meanwhile crime rates beteween USA and EU are close the same(I would mention that PL for example is as much big as New Mexico)...

So whos insane?

G, UK has a very high crime rate and I would never move there.
Yes, it all depends on the area, and every area has it's "have-nots" that want to become "haves" without doing any of the work. Downtown troy? I don't leave my bike there, ever. If I have to go there, I take the truck, ensure the bed is empty, and lock it.

Schroon lake? I leave the keys in things parked on the street. Though I did stop doing that after a friend left the key in his snowmobile outside of a bar and it got stolen. Too bad, but even the most rural Adirondack town still has it's shitheads.

The biggest case is Canada. Canada has some of the world's best snowmobiling and it's a huge tourist draw for them. Unfortunately, every theif in the country targets Americans that crossed the border. It's scary how many people on snowmobile forums got ripped off while up there. Sleds stolen from restaurants. License plate theft is practically guaranteed. More than a few had their entire rig...truck, trailer, sleds, stolen from hotels. And from what I've heard, the Canadian police really don't give a crap about American tourists and it's extremely rare for anything to be recovered. I won't go riding there because theft is such a huge issue in the snowmobile hotspots.

Then again, guns are hardly a "free for all" in the US. People who want to legally own a gun have to go through background checks, loads of paperwork, waiting periods, ect. It's not like every American has an arsenal in their living room. If you want a concealed carry permit, it's even more forms, more waiting, instruction and testing, and an inch-thick rulebook about when you can and, more specifically, can't use your concealed weapon. And of course, the trash that are going to commit crimes with their weapons buy them off the street...no paperwork, no background checks, no rules. As usual, the government polices the people who don't need to be.
Yes, it all depends on the area, and every area has it's "have-nots" that want to become "haves" without doing any of the work. Downtown troy? I don't leave my bike there, ever. If I have to go there, I take the truck, ensure the bed is empty, and lock it.

Schroon lake? I leave the keys in things parked on the street. Though I did stop doing that after a friend left the key in his snowmobile outside of a bar and it got stolen. Too bad, but even the most rural Adirondack town still has it's shitheads.

The biggest case is Canada. Canada has some of the world's best snowmobiling and it's a huge tourist draw for them. Unfortunately, every theif in the country targets Americans that crossed the border. It's scary how many people on snowmobile forums got ripped off while up there. Sleds stolen from restaurants. License plate theft is practically guaranteed. More than a few had their entire rig...truck, trailer, sleds, stolen from hotels. And from what I've heard, the Canadian police really don't give a crap about American tourists and it's extremely rare for anything to be recovered. I won't go riding there because theft is such a huge issue in the snowmobile hotspots.

Then again, guns are hardly a "free for all" in the US. People who want to legally own a gun have to go through background checks, loads of paperwork, waiting periods, ect. It's not like every American has an arsenal in their living room. If you want a concealed carry permit, it's even more forms, more waiting, instruction and testing, and an inch-thick rulebook about when you can and, more specifically, can't use your concealed weapon. And of course, the trash that are going to commit crimes with their weapons buy them off the street...no paperwork, no background checks, no rules. As usual, the government polices the people who don't need to be.
I dont even remember when I last saw any murder localy...

Pretty same here mate, two worlds - one with armed people and one with unarmed people...everything is fine so which one is a BAD or GOOD one?

None...everyone has his own, altough I could not live in the at all USA.

Last post from me in this thread.
sheesh really didnt mean to turn this into a junk measuring contest. lol.. all countries have their good and bad. sorry to get you upset satariel
Politics , religion AND guns...all 3 are hot topics and bring out some strong responses because of the strong personnal feelings involved . Seems each area of the states/countries/world have their own thoughts and values on freedoms and restrictions involving guns and their uses .

Bottom line has been said here...training and respect for the weapon and it's use is mandatory .
I don't own a gun of any kind - and don't want one. That being said, I fully RESPECT the rights of gun owners to possess and RESPONSIBLY use firearms.

Putting a gun in the hands of a COMPETENTLY SUPERVISED child is probably the best way to instill in that child a respect for the capabilities of these weapons.

It's the wackos and gangbangers that irritate me.

Those that kill - be it with a gun, knife, or drunkenly operated vehicle deserve the maximum punishment. With NO appeals to stretch things out......

Banning guns will not rid us of the problem of Columbine type ********, or dickwads that open fire on a crowd of people at a military base, or grocery store. I'm not even sure that stringing them up from a lamp post would even be much of a deterrent to the next one. Insanity has no reason, or conscience.

Don't get me started about Muslim Extremists....
sheesh really didnt mean to turn this into a junk measuring contest. lol.. all countries have their good and bad. sorry to get you upset satariel

A lot of snowbirds here in the Canada relate how they are targeted in the US as well. I figure it's because the likelihood of a tourist sticking around for an investigation and then for a trial if the thief was caught are minimal.

I can appreciate the gun freedom the US enjoys the same way I appreciate how the Dutch can enjoy weed.

I have two younger boys still at home. At 10, one could shoot my Bulgarian Makarov really well. Last year, I found his younger brother can really handle my Pt 111 9 mil really well. I bought them their own Romain bolt 22's three years ago. All 5 of my kids learn to shoot a .22 by the age of 5. I let them know the dangers, and what happens on the receiving end. I've never had one of the kids get curious, touch or play with a gun in my house. And I always have one handy. If they're home alone and someone starts busting down the door, they know how to defend themselves.
I learned to shoot about the same age. I was hunting by myself by around 8 or 9.
Yes, it just depends where one lives, as to crime statistics. It's getting worse in the states with the economy and our open border policies. A third of the locals in my hood are not American. Do I trust? Heck no. Thought I was going to have to pop a couple of them a couple years ago. Some gang boys didn't care for me reporting something. Until court was over, I was watched. I was prepared to make hamburger out of them. Better them than I or my family.
If one would think the above is 'out of bounds', Arab communities in the Mid East teach their kids about AK-47s and to use them on Westerners, Christians and Jews. Those communities are also in Europe and the states. They are thick as flies south of our border, working within cartels. With this in mine, with communists and pinkos within our government wanting to take our weapons away, I'd advise any constitutional American to be a good Boyscout. Be prepared.
It's the poor law-abiding folks who suffer through miles of red tape to get a gun in Canada who usually give up on the quest. Any criminal in Canada with a need, a contact, and some money can get a gun, very few strings attached.

I cant even imagine giving a gun to the child, even with supervision

In PL guns are allowed under special permision, you can quote a permision in any time. You need to collect some psychical test, need a clear record and some other bureaucracy which will take some time...BUT YOU CAN HAVE A GUN!

G, UK has a very high crime rate and I would never move there.

Much of the world has a populous that has been instilled with the mindset that the individual is incapable of making decisions about issues that could harm them. It is common for these people to continually believe the government exists to identify and control behavior and actions to "keep the populous safe".
I believe that was why some of our ancestry shot a bunch of the British until they left. They disagreed with that. STRONGLY.....