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My Eyes! My eyes! Focus On Redbones Avatar Focus On The Avatar ...
Im just glad the guys I ride with wernt making comments on his naked body. Tosha todd thatz a damn good one to put up aagainst the toddler play pen. I will make sure I post a picture of me when I get released.
I just took a picture of the picture todd posted of that guy (not me at all) and text it to my wife and said im waiting for my valentine baby where are you. And she said stop grossing me out.
LOL Tom! I think he must have started going to Dunkin Dounts too!
Mike, this will definitely affect your quarter mile time although you'll have great traction!:rofl_200::rofl_200:
Get well Mike!

either that or he will wrinkle the tarmac or even spin the rim on the tire... :rofl_200:

I think he passed by here...

Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite authors! Or Shakespeare, if you prefer the classics.

satariel666;352244[I said:
]Something wicked this way comes[/I] :rofl_200:

Glad you are on the mend, sir!
I thought I would lose some weight being sick but after I got put on al the steroids holly **** could I eat and I got a open menu to go with it and the food was great. I had french toast ham stake yogurts oj coffee cookies bagal 2 rice crispie treats and for lunch I had 2 open face plates of pot roast with mash potatos muffen oj coffee yogurts and dinar lemon chicken with mash potatos 2 rice crispie treats than my wife showed with a foot long sub 12 inch doretos cake candy pop and im going to eat the last of the cake now with a pop. 2hats that about 5000 cals. This is all true Nd I will be working on my weight starting Monday. No timmys or dunken for me. I got all next week off so I will work on rest and eatting good and light work out I need to lose 30 pounds by may 1 that willput me at 230 and I can live with that.
I think todd looks like he ways about 190 lbs so I will just put a 40 shot on the bike and be done with it.
A coffee hell meet me at the ta and I will buy. That ta at the exit 230 has good food. Maybe I can talk you into going on the ride from sumerset days inn to the wv mountain and back in one day. We had alot of fun on that ride. I might even set up a one day and a two day ride if anyone wants to make a two dayer out of it. But that will depend on if we do a half day race at the dragstrip or not.. give me a call somtime and we can set something up. Maybe we can get some of the other canada vmax owners to join us . But im only buying for us sorry but canada comes with a big price tag. :biglaugh:
Hope your getting better,Helluva of a pict.I would fire jenny craig!Take weight watchers to court!Sue slimfast.And shoot all the others.Tex said it best,Gonna take more than a max to pull that ass around.
A coffee hell meet me at the ta and I will buy. That ta at the exit 230 has good food. Maybe I can talk you into going on the ride from sumerset days inn to the wv mountain and back in one day. We had alot of fun on that ride. I might even set up a one day and a two day ride if anyone wants to make a two dayer out of it. But that will depend on if we do a half day race at the dragstrip or not.. give me a call somtime and we can set something up. Maybe we can get some of the other canada vmax owners to join us . But im only buying for us sorry but canada comes with a big price tag. :biglaugh:

Sounds like a plan sir!!! Let me know when you are back on the road and we can definitely meet up for a meal!!
Its 2 a.m. Sunday and I just got done with a breathing treatment lungs just barely have a little wheezing and I'm drinking hot decaf coffee to help warm any trap mucus and get it out before doc makes his rounds. I feel pretty good and will take a week of rest. miraculously I've seem to eat a lot and lose all kinds of weight according to that picture todd post. I'm sure I'll be in great shape and have some kind of machine to be able to pull me around this coming season. and I will be in front of Todd or all over his ass as usual this season..