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one interview question that i always like to ask (when being interviewed) near the end is "do you have any reservations about me for this job" its a great question. you get to hear any of their concerns and then defend those negatives. more times than not they'll think of positive things to say then and u leave on a positive note.
Yeah. That's not a bad question - just do not get your back up against the wall in defense, but play it cool and tactfully attempt to turn the negative into a positive.
wear somthing nice... The ability to show up in a buttom shirt and tie will help you greatly.

I was eating lunch one day at a fast food joint and some punk walked in and asked if they were hiring wearing a T-shirt and shorts.In didnt even work there but I would have said no because it was completly unprofessional.
Make a good impression with a clean and ironed shirt and a tie if you have it.

Be confident even if youre faking it,they want to employ a go-getter.So put on a smile and give a firm hand shake.These might help but from there its all YOU!
YES the limp handshake drives me crazy.

+1, the only thing worse than shaking a sponge hand is when they grab the side your hand with their fingers and roll thier wrist, like they want you to kiss the back of thier hand. Or the opposite, when they lash on two quickly and you end up with the "kiss my hand" grip.
YES the limp handshake drives me crazy.

Oh I HATE that ****! WTH? It's SO easy to shake like a man IMO. It's almost always guys that do it to. :damn angry:

It makes you want to cringe and wipe your hand off on your pants...:puke:

Congrats on the job!
