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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
VMax Year
2007 and 2009
Appears the forum is undergoing a make over. I was kindly asked to post up my VMax(s). List what has been done with them and so on.

So, let me introduce myself, folks call me Pig. I hail from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Poor law enforcement and miles of uninterrupted road is a VMaxs' best friend.

First is my 2007 Yamaha VMX1200. Bought it used with 19000 on it. The overall look is stock. The engine is stock. The lights have all been LED converted. The turn lens and rear tail lens all have been changed out to smoke clear lenses. I have Brake-away throttle locks on both of my Max's. I dont plan on really modifying the bike over its stock form.


Next is my 2009 Yamaha VMX1700. This bike popped up at the right price at the right time. I purchased this bike from a local dealer for about private sale cost. My first question was the recalls and if they were done. Since it was a Yamaha dealer, they printed me off the vehicle service sheet. Since the oil pump and throttle wiring were replaced, we were good to go. The bike had 5800 miles on it when I took possession. I eliminated the floppy turn signals from the bike opting for an integrated rear tail/brake/turn signal setup and a front running/turn halo set up. The headlight bulb is also LED. I did end up removing the bar end mirrors as looking at the ground to see what was behind me was not at all good. I would like to find a black set of mirrors for the bike but for now, the chrome-ys I have will suffice. This bike too, has the Brake Away throttle lock. I do plan on getting an ECM to remove all the limiters but plan to keep the bike looking close to stock as possible.


And some with the bikes together.

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My 2001 carbon. Had about 10 years. Looked pretty rough when I bought it, wife didn't think I would bring it home. Scoops were pitted from bird crap in a small shed and I just had them powder coated, same with the wheels. Has right at 14k miles. Cops is about all the big mods. The only bike I have ever had 2 of. The first was a '97 I probably should have kept also!


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nice pair but i have to ask why "chile capital of the world" with pitctue of chili peppers?
nice pair but i have to ask why "chile capital of the world" with pitctue of chili peppers?

New Mexico produces jalapeno chili peppers. In a laughable attempt to claim superiority of the worlds leading producer, thats the result. South America and Latin America have much better and more favorable growing conditions. They also produce lots more chili peppers than New Mexico could ever think possible. After all, we are primarily an semi arid state. Depending on where you stand in this state, average rainfall is between 8-40 inches(20-101cm). More rain in the mountains than on the desert floor. Our primary water source is the Rio Grande River. Well its called a river where folks with actual rivers would call a creek. The water is dammed up in numerous points and water treaties are abound to who gets what and how much.

The reason why I chose that plate is obvious for the color coordination of the bike. Black plate on a black bike. New Mexico has 3 different motorcycle plates you can choose from. The basic yellow and red letter one. No images, no special design. Just a basic plate. The next plate is the one I got for my buddys blue Kawasaki Vulcan, a turquoise plate that is dubbed our centennial license plate. New Mexico became a state to the USA in 1912. So at the bottom, it states Centennial 1912-2012. And the last option is the Chili plate you see on my Max.
I follow that but if you like chili so much, why put Chile on the number plate, which is a country in South America where it is extremely cold.?

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