The VMax's are coming.....THE VMAX'S ARE COMING!!
Ready to tear up the new bike already huh.LOLI'm ya at the gas station at_____? :confused2:
Ready to tear up the new bike already huh.LOL
Yeah I can already see the tire smoke. LOL I sure wish it was cool enough here where I felt like running.Nah, I'm 'spectatin' Kyle....don't want to embarass the VMax brotherhood! :biglaugh:
I'm ya at the gas station at_____? :confused2:
I'm going to see if I can get out 1/2 hr early. Depends on the madness around here. That would make the eta at the Sunoco about 4:50ish (otherwise 5:20).
I'm gonna call in an order for a grinder to go from that restaurant Jimmy D's again for dinner at the track.
I'll call you about 3:30 to firm up plans.