Hope that pedophile son of a bitch is burning in hell. No loss to the world.
Personaly, I think that if my child was molested by him, money wouldn`t suffice in any amount !!The "thriller" album was the first album I ever owned. Yup. Vynal.
Even if you didn't like it - the simple numbers for sales indicate that the world loved it.
I didn't pay much attention to his personal life. He lived a life that none of us can relate to. Every moment in the spot light. No child hood, no real experieinces to speak of, as you and I can relate to.
Who knows if the accusations are true - they were all setteled with money, instead of law. I personally tend to beleive he may have been guilty of *something* though.
Vey sad.
Personaly, I think that if my child was molested by him, money wouldn`t suffice in any amount !!
I don`t think that it`s rocket science for one to figure out that all they wanted was money cause I would have demanded jail then Hell for him and, everyone that really knew him testified for him and the accuser`s took their money and shut up and that was it. It`s just my opinion but, none of us really know all the facts about it but the accuser`s also changed their stories a dozen times.I think it all boils down to rotten people and crooked lawyers.:ummm: personaly, I have no faith in our legal system, It`s all about who has the money just look at O.J. and I was the victim of a drive by shooting and the only thing that saved my life was a fence laced with old Ivy bush (they used a shot gun)and the police came to the hospital to threaten me about retaliation and there was no justice so, I personaly condemn our legal system.
Don't hold back Danny!! Tell us what you really think!!!
Don't hold back Danny!! Tell us what you really think!!!
No worries buddy, I knew what you were saying:biglaugh: I couldn't agree more about Congress having no clue. If they wanted to have a moment of silence they should have it daily for the young men and women that are out there getting wounded and killed in the military. Knowing the scummy bastards the moment of silence was to ponder how to spend the inheritance tax windfall they were about to receive.:bang head:
Don`t forget Dan,To tell you the truth Jim, I'm not making any judgement call whatsoever on the guy...I didn't know him! I really didn't care for his music...except for "Billy Jean," and his moves never thrilled me either.
As far as the law suit ...how the hell would I know a friggin' thing about his guilt or innosence...I don't! :confused2: I do know sensationalism sells newspapers so it's prolly best to take all that **** with a truckload of salt!!
I'm just irritated that Congress saw fit to have a moment of silence for him, I mean...come on man, how about a moment for the guys being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or shitloads of other places in the world!!
The gesture was nice, no doubt, but missplaced IMO!
End of rant 7/2/09!! :biglaugh: