Might as well do it!!

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Meh!! No reply from him! Hell, they aren't everywhere, all-seeing and all that ****......they're just like the rest of us!!

Prolly out taking a 'monkey dump' or somethin"!! :rofl_200:
Danny, he's probably hiding out in your garage waiting to jump you for the seat $$ you have!!
Danny,I've been thinking bout a deal with the devil,I mean monkey myself.all depending on the sucsess of the MAXGASSER!.Do you think he'll deal?
Danny,I've been thinking bout a deal with the devil,I mean monkey myself.all depending on the sucsess of the MAXGASSER!.Do you think he'll deal?

Not entirely sure Rick! :confused2: It certainly appears he's a sneaky, manipulative, not to mention smelly, little bastid!!

Here's just one example: Garrett asked me if I had ever considered installing nitrous. I hadn't and told him but it was far too late....the 'nitrous monkey' had been teleported directly into my ear and 4 days later the UPS guy showed up with my NOS nitrous oxide system!!

I never stood a chance!! :bang head:

That same monkey has since moved on from BRC but through PM's & emails I know he has multiplied and infected AT LEAST 3 more of my buddies!!

I think I would be very cautious when approaching the monkey with a deal Rick!! Remember.....there's still a motor management system out there that may have your name on it!!! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

After consulting with the MRB, we have definitely decided that you of all people NEED to be our friend. Your service to the MRB in the past makes you a prime candidate for continued attention from us:biglaugh:. Also, if you look at the "Introduction" we just got JFeagins, never stood a chance, all the dogs, cats, alarms in the world will just incite us to new heights.

Twistedmax, we are watching you with great interest. As long as some of the proceeds from seat sales go to upgrades we will be appeased, do not disappoint us!

After consulting with the MRB, we have definitely decided that you of all people NEED to be our friend. Your service to the MRB in the past makes you a prime candidate for continued attention from us:biglaugh:. Also, if you look at the "Introduction" we just got JFeagins, never stood a chance, all the dogs, cats, alarms in the world will just incite us to new heights.

Twistedmax, we are watching you with great interest. As long as some of the proceeds from seat sales go to upgrades we will be appeased, do not disappoint us!

Were you one of the ones in the bank the other day? :ummm:

You sound familiar..........................:hmmm:
NO ,I will not be held captive by a monkey,proceeds from the maxgasser will not go into THIS max.but.....................?I may have a plan!
Kenny's not here right now. He's out-running the mod monkey. Please leave a message at the beep and he might return your call.........Beeeep!
As long as that flea bag stays on your side of the country, I feel safe.
but, he still has his eyes on Fargo.
Kenny, Kenny, Kenny........ You want to know the great thing for us about the Vmax????? SMALL GAS TANK!!! We just track you until you need fuel and then BAM we are right there. The last time you filled up we were there, didn't you get the feeling you were being watched? No worries though, you seem to be a fairly compliant person, or so your personal Mod Monkey has reported back.....
Yes guys.......when the next seat sells...........Im getting a new...............REAR TIRE mines shot,hope that makes him happy!

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