I went back to the stock ignition. I love having the COPS. And the stock ignition idles what I'll call 'cleaner' than the Dyna.
Once I blew up the Dyna, I really had no intention of getting another one and then going back to stock coils. At the time, I did think about putting resistors inline with the COPS and then using a Dyna again, but in theory, they will charge faster and put out more power with no resistor. So back to the stock TCI ignition I went.
That was yearssssssssss ago. Have been running this way for so long and love it. I won't be messing with the current setup. The bike has 42,000+ miles on it now and I think I first changed over and did all the experimenting when the bike had less than 1/2 that mileage (I'd have to check old pictures to get a time and mileage stamp to know the exact time and miles). But I'd let anyone know that I've run this setup for over 20,000 miles with no issues except in the beginning with the old Denso COPS.
***LOL!!! Just realized I responded to a yearssssssssssss old post. Oh well, good to have this info here anyway in case someone else is interested