morbidly obese demand recognition and disability status

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
If you were an employer, would you hire someone who couldn't walk 20 feet? I'm not speaking of paraplegics. The morbidly obese want disability recognition. Here's an article written by a fat woman.

Job interviews are an uncomfortable experience for most people. But for people like me who suffer from morbid obesity, they are especially grueling. It’s hard to impress someone when you’re the fat applicant. There’s the added challenge of sustaining an engaging conversation as a potential future employer walks you around the premises, a hike that leaves you winded. After that, you have to squeeze into a tiny chair and present your credentials, maintaining a charming demeanor as the blood circulation to the lower half of your body is cut off. I went through this process over and over again while I was searching for a job. I did land one eventually, as a manager in one of the world’s leading business schools. But my problems didn’t end there. Because of my handicap, co-workers had to take over tasks that I couldn’t manage – mainly those that involved climbing any number of stairs or walking more than 20 feet.
It is clear to me that morbid obesity — defined as having a body mass index above 40 — is often a disability, irrelevant of the cause.
But in many legal systems, that’s still an unanswered question. Even as obesity rates have soared, U.S. and European courts have grappled with whether to classify the most severe cases as a disability, which would obligate employers to provide necessary accommodations so obese employees can overcome their handicap at work, such as larger chairs and uniforms. In recent years, the U.S. legal system has started leaning in favor of obese workers. For instance, in Texas, a 600-pound forklift operator filed a lawsuit against his former employer when the company refused to give him a seat belt extender to do his job safely, and then fired him two weeks later. The company ultimately settled for $55,000.
Today, the European Court of Justice is scheduled to settle this matter for its member countries. The court’s ruling, which would affect all nations in the European Union, will determine whether morbidly obese employees are protected from workplace discrimination related to their weight. The question was raised by a case in Denmark, where a child-care worker with a BMI of 54 was fired in 2010. Carrying 352 pounds on a 5-foot-7-inch frame, Karsten Kaltoft reportedly had difficulty performing certain tasks, such as tying children’s shoes. Believing that’s why he lost his job, Kaltoft filed a disability discrimination suit against his employer. The court’s advocate general issued a preliminary ruling in July, determining that severe obesity could qualify as a disability, regardless of whether it was “self-inflicted” or related to another medical issue. If the court follows the advocate general’s lead and grants morbidly obese Europeans disability status, it would help improve working conditions for a growing portion of Europe’s workforce, and serve as a model for addressing the obesity problem worldwide.
(Update: The European Court of Justice has ruled that obesity can be considered a disability, according to news reports.)
Nearly 30 percent of the global population is either overweight or obese, according to a survey by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics. No country in the world has lowered its obesity rate since 1980. The prevalence of morbid obesity appears to be growing particularly fast, especially in the United States, where an estimated 6.6 percent of the population falls into that category. In Britain, the percentage of morbidly obese people jumped threefold between 1995 and 2010, to about 2.7 percent of the population. The trend of piling on the pounds is prevalent across all sections of society, making it an unavoidable issue for employers. It’s critical that we address the ever-expanding waistlines of our workforce.

The number of U.S. adults experiencing weight discrimination increased 66 percent between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, according to Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. The center found that people who are overweight or obese regularly earn less and get fewer promotions than those who aren’t, based on various studies. One study concluded that discrimination due to weight is now more prevalent than discrimination due to ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other physical disabilities. Research confirms that overweight people have a harder time finding work, too. The University of Tübingen in Germany studied the reactions of human resource professionals to photos of job candidates, including ones described as overweight. The recruiters were far less likely to select the overweight candidates for prestigious jobs, particularly female candidates. This kind of discrimination will inevitably worsen the inequality women experience in the workplace, especially for those seeking positions of authority.
By failing to recognize morbid obesity as a disability, society is alienating a growing number of people from working life. We don’t debate whether a person who breaks his back due to reckless behavior should be granted disabled status. Morbidly obese people should be afforded the same benefits as other workers suffering with debilitating conditions. My own struggles in the workplace may have been greatly reduced with more official assistance.​ Because some companies commit to filling a percentage of their positions with disabled workers (certain countries even mandate disability quotas), classifying morbidly obese people as disabled could make more jobs available to us and ease that grueling job search process. And with the backing of disability laws, obese employees would feel more comfortable speaking up about their limitations, requiring employers to provide accommodations like parking spaces closer to office entrances.
To improve my situation, I recently underwent gastric-sleeve bariatric surgery and have lost 70 pounds in two-and-a-half months. But a long-term solution is critical to end the obesity epidemic, and surgery and workplace protections aren’t it. If obesity continues to grow at the current rate, at some point, most of the population could be classified as disabled, threatening the ability of our health-care system and economy to function. To fix the obesity problem, regulators should target the food industry and its excessive use of sugar and other fattening products, which an increasing number of researchers believe are addictive. Schools also should teach our children the value of a healthy lifestyle and debunk food companies’ myths about what constitutes a healthy snack (‘low fat’ yogurts, for instance, are pumped with sugar). Legal recognition of morbid obesity as a disability is necessary to bring some justice to a highly discriminated-against group. But it should not fuel complacency in addressing the deadly rise of obesity.​ <end of article>

Would you knowingly hire someone who was morbidly obese knowing their costs for health insurance are higher because of their condition? How would you feel about having to do an obese person's work because they get out of breath walking 20 ft, or cannot traverse stairs? Should we offer employment to someone like this who "always wanted to be a firefighter?" Reminds me about south FL Fire-Rescue county who hired a woman at 54 years of age to be a firefighter, and when interviewed by the local newspaper, said, "I don't expect to have to go into burning buildings or anything, because I'm a grandmother!"
There are a handful that deserve sympathy but the bulk of the morbidly obese are there by their continued poor choices. I think the people who are in that group and couldn't do anything about it already qualify for disabled status based on the disease or deficiency of some sort they have. No need to make the morbodly obese their own class. If anything give them designated parking places in the back of the parking lot to encourage exercise...

Currently there are already too many "disabled" people that should not be classified as such.
I even avoid women in child bearing years, anyone with exposed tattoos or smell of smoke on top of anyone that may effect insurance rates. If I can work with crippling fibromyalgia some of these other lazy bastards can find something to do. I dont care what color or what size someone is as long as they can do the work and are not likely to cost me extra money, become unreliable or force me into complying with maternity leave laws. **** that, none of that **** jives with my libertarian ethics or my bottom line. Good reliable, tactful workers are very tough to find and this is why I rolled my business into a one man outfit. The % of obese people that blame gladular disorders is a hell of a lot larger (no pun) than the group that actually have it. I'm in the field, I see charts, cant ******** me on that one. Put the ******* fork down, cook instead of hit McDonalds 6x/week and dont come looking for a job when your wheezing and have beads of sweat from walking from your car to the interview. It is financial suicide to hire someone like that.
Ignorance is my disability - that's what I claim when the PC brigade come knocking
and I want a bike parking space indoors next to reception
Another off-shoot class of payers fault so tax payers should pay...:bang head:
There are TRUE medical reasons for obesity.....but usually it's a case of telling people....put down the f*cking donut.

Why is it that we are now living in a society that nothing is anybodys fault?

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There are TRUE medical reasons for obesity.....but usually it's a case of telling people....put down the f*cking donut.

Totally agree, Hawk.
Those f*cking donuts are like guns....they can be killers:biglaugh:
Lol.....I was wondering if you would chime in.

Sent from my SCH-R890 using Tapatalk
There are TRUE medical reasons for obesity.....but usually it's a case of telling people....put down the f*cking donut.

Totally agree, Hawk.
Those f*cking donuts are like guns....they can be killers:biglaugh:

We could enact a civil suit against donut manufacturers and fast food vendors to right after we hold gun and ammo manufacturers liable for shootings. It's become trendy to absolve pole of personal respectability so why not hold innocent businesses liable in both civil and criminal suits. This way we can protect the lazy and unmotivated from themselves while the rest of us pick up the tab. All we need is more democratic leadership and we can realize these dreams :bang head:

With a diagnosis of Hypothyroidism (and a few other disorders) weight gain and other Sx can be inevitable, in many cases it will respond somewhat to treatment. One will still gain wt but not enough to actually render him/her disabled. In my experience this is an very small % but they do exist and should be considered for entitlements after diet is followed and wt gain is still excessive. In my opinion and experience the VAST majority of morbidly obese individuals are reaping the rewards of their own self-destructive behaviors and lack of self-discipline. It does suck and I do feel badly for people that get to that point, it has to be completely miserable to not be able to function but to expect anyone else to pick up the tab for it, thats madness.
Lighten up, guys.
TIMBITS constitute one of the major food groups in Canada, together with poutine and seal flipper.
The pic is of a medium-size box, that I used to pick up for the lads at work for our breaktime snack.


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There are TRUE medical reasons for obesity.....but usually it's a case of telling people....put down the f*cking donut.

Why is it that we are now living in a society that nothing is anybodys fault?

Sent from my SCH-R890 using Tapatalk

I agree. I didn't like her side of the argument when she says morbid obesity " irrelevant of the cause". Over eating has to be stopped by the person doing it, so no sympathy from me. I know 1 person with a weird gland disease that makes her heavy but certainly not morbidly obese but never plays that card about her weight.
Ignorance is my disability - that's what I claim when the PC brigade come knocking
and I want a bike parking space indoors next to reception
Some folks complained that all of us motorcycle riders were taking up multiple spots in the parking lot when we used to park one bike per spot. The powers that be then designated a section of the lot only for motorcycles, with appropriately sized spaces, and closer to the entrance than most of the automobile parking.... #winning
Comments on a 6 year old thread?

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