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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Saint Charles, IL
I posted this kill story on my facebook page and thought I would share with you max owners. I have no problem with harley guys btw and my plate is really just a way to keep things interesting BUT we all know some of them need to learn some hard lessons:eusa_dance:

Here is the story...I realize i'm talking about roads you have no idea about but try to visualize it LOL.

I was on my way home from a nice motorcycle ride yesterday evening when I arrived at the corner of Kirk and 64. I was turning left and coming eastbound on 64 was a group of 6 or 7 HD riders. They were all dressed up like a bunch of jabroni's. Leather Vests, bandana's covering there bald heads, and of course no helmets (not that there is anything to protects in those heads anyway).

The guy who was in the middle of the pack of hogs decides to lock his rear wheel up a few feet before the red light. This of course creates a decent cloud of white smoke and all the HD guys are giggling. At that very moment I finally figured out how to smoke the tire on an HD! I also figured out that HD needs to get something us modern folk call ABS on all there bikes. It's the least they can do when you pay 20K for a bike with no power, no brakes and no looks.

Anyways back to the story...At that moment I decided to pull a u-turn which would allow me to get in front of these jabroni's just a few moments before there light turns green. This would then set me up to RAPE every last one of them in a quick road race. I putt down the road nice and slow and see there light turn green. I hear everyone one of them flooring it through the gears and knew at that moment that I had several fish on the proverbial hook.

As fate would have it the light for the charlestowne mall and olive garden entrance turns red! This put me at the front of the pack and next to me 3 other HD riders ALL OF WHICH noticed my lic plate (HD KILA). They immediatly took offense and I could hear them talking all kinds of **** to themselves. One of the old baldheaded jabroni's even said something along the lines of "look at that jap piece of ****".

The 3 next to me start rev'ing there ***** off well before the light turns green. Finally the light turns and off we all go. I immediatly have several buslenghts on all them and by the time I shut down at 125 I was going past the pheasant run and there were just getting past the wal-mart. I then slow it down again hoping to catch another light with these bozo's and as fate would have it I get the light at powis with them.

I look over at the fat man who said "jap ****" moments before and let him know that this jap **** built in 1985 just murdered his 08 35,000 dollar dreaming eagle hardley. I then tell him that I have never failed to live up to my plate. He said no more and would not even establish eye contact with me.

Gotta love Japanese technology from 1984!

I am not a Brand kinda guy,..nor do i look to disrespect any fellow riders.
"live and let live " i like to follow.

BUT,..that was ssawweeet,......:rofl_200::rofl_200::clapping::clapping::punk:
the plate is the best part. probably wouldn't have gotten their attention without it.
They probably just a bunch of bankers anyways ....

I was watching this program the other day on Sturgis , it followed a few groups on there way there . Had this guy on there a diehard HD rider as he said he would never ride anything else he went thru a few of their models 20-30USDk+ and qouted the max speeds - 100 mph he then went on to a few other bikes - Goldwing , everything a roadking has and more reliable and you could do 100000 miles on it without even looking at it . Came across an R1 - built for speed . It would of been interesting to see what he would of said about the Vmax but sadly there wasnt 1 on the side of the road .
Then they went to a back story on how a local Yamaha dealer all those years ago started it all off with his races etc and every year after that it got bigger and bigger to where it is now .
So those HD riders really just muscled in on it to try and call it there own .
whats worse abe, is that the technology ur bike is based on is really the late 70's early 80's!
whats worse abe, is that the technology ur bike is based on is really the late 70's early 80's!

I find that to be pretty impressive. Yamaha makes a motor back in the 70's that still kicks ass in 2009!

I had a guy on a HD tell me one time that HD almost bought the V-4 max design from Yamaha back in 83....I really hope that is not true!
Never post street names, cops read forums too and if a certain street keeps getting mentioned they'll be all over it.

Nice kills.
I find that to be pretty impressive. Yamaha makes a motor back in the 70's that still kicks ass in 2009!

I had a guy on a HD tell me one time that HD almost bought the V-4 max design from Yamaha back in 83....I really hope that is not true!

They may have been thinking of the NOVA project. Which, of course, was put on the backburner in th 80's to the Evolution motors because of money and they didn't think it'd sell. It was supposed to put out around the same power as the VMax, similiar displacement(i think around 1300), liquid cooled with the radiator being hidden. One of my CycleWorld mag's did an article on it and it was actually a pretty cool looking bike.
The Nova would have completely changed HD's image and would have really revolutionized their engines. Good thing for Yamaha they killed the project.

wasnt' there a link on here about that a while back?
I would think the Nova would give Yamaha even more reason to come out with the VMax. Hell, might see a completely different motorcycle industry now... Think, instead of cookie-cutter vtwin cruisers all over the place, we might've had a bunch of true muscle cruisers putting out over 100hp at the wheel roaming around.
They couldn't steal the engine, so they had Porsche design one for them....then they copied the name....they called it the "VROD".
except the VRod 1130cc & 1250cc's are both twins that actually make decent power and are alright to ride(forget about steering your way around a parking lot, though). I mean, with the belt drive, they're looking at around 115 RWHP and not much more weight than the VMax(even though they also carry more fuel). Can't forget about the massive aftermarket for the Vrod, either. Only problem I see with the VRod is their price.
HD is a joke. to much money not enough power. Lic plate frame Hardly a Harley. That pisses 'em off. you know what I say F@@k'em.:punk: