and the guy in the car tries to side swipe the motorcyclist but ends up losing control of his car and causes a chain reaction crash....
Good Kick. Doctorss told me they can't fix my right foot any more. It has a huge titanium plate in it. They told me to use my left foot for any future door kicks.
What did the car do to make the motorcyclist kick at him?
Those big suv's at high speeds, once they get get sideways look out.Luckily, senior citizen in the Escalade pickup had only minor injuries. Thankfully the road rage beef between ass-clown on the Bagger and the attempted murderer in the Sentra didn't take out any innocents. ( Not counting the Escalade since the human contents inside were ok )
Unrelated side rant Holy Crap did that Escalade flip easily!
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Did anyone play the old video game road rash? That looked like a scene from that game.Even the ****** car that ******** A was using to sidedswipe ******** B. It got pretty loose pretty fast too.
If you ever have to sideswipe an ******** in traffic you better have a more competent vehicle that will hold the road. Still, ********s the both of em'.
Did anyone play the old video game road rash? That looked like a scene from that game.
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Pretty good form on the kick, wouldn't you say?Road Rash 1 2 & 3
Expert at all of them
You wouldn't get very far in LA traffic as it just the same.:confused2:
That would be way to rational, with a nice touch of deceit. I like it.Why waste a good kick at an inanimate object? Cool it off, follow the offender, and kick his ass at a later date when he least expects it. OH! Make certain there are NO witnesses!