Well it was April Fool's Day... Dirty Trick! He may have had some other finances to cover and wasn't worried about your timing and with cash in hand. I am a true optimist when it comes to trusting folks but it has bitten me more than once when it comes to $$$. I am more careful than I used to be too. My Dad taught me that a man's word is his bond and we did a lot of handshakes back then! Fool me once and that is all you get. I hope you scolded him good on the fiasco he caused.
The biggest advantage he had was he lives in Glasgow Montana, So once I got the bike home all I could do was try to talk on the phone. He stopped taking calls he would only text me maybe 3 times, saying it ( release of lien ) was in the mail. That went on for 6 weeks. I finally contacted his lien company and then last week I got the release of lien from him and from the finance company a day later.
Moral of the story: Don't buy a bike from anyone that is too far away for you to go kick his ass.!!!!