My girlfriend needs some help

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New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Perth WA
Hi ya all,.. i am not a vmax rider myself , sorry ,.. ride a bandit 1250,.. But my girlfriend owns 98 vmax, which she bought new and only has 50 odd thou K's on the clock. It has always been serviced at the correct intervals. but now she has a problem with the ignition barrel. when the turns the key all the way to the right it wont make contact or electrical s wont go on. she turns the key a quarter back and fiddles a tiny bit and the electrics come on., but it is touchy and while riding and going over a little bump,she can lose all electrics

I have done some searching for her on this forum to see if anyone has had a similar problem, but without much luck

Anyone out there that can give some advise on what this may be and how to get this fixed?

Is it possible and an easy enough job to replace the ignition barrel, and where could we get one from?

Many thanks in advance,

Pim, on behalf of girlfriend Kim , yep its Pim and Kim :)

the barrel lock is easily replaceable - just a couple of bolts and a plug behind its plastic cover.

Your best bet for a s/h part is Sean Morley here ( If you want a new part, you can get it directly from a Yamaha dealer.

If you want to save on shipping, I'm going back to florida for new year's eve, and my gf lives in Perth so could bring it back with her (she gets back there on January 12th). It may not be much of a difference for Sean to ship to Perth rather than FL, but happy to help nonetheless.

the barrel lock is easily replaceable - just a couple of bolts and a plug behind its plastic cover.

Your best bet for a s/h part is Sean Morley here ( If you want a new part, you can get it directly from a Yamaha dealer.

If you want to save on shipping, I'm going back to florida for new year's eve, and my gf lives in Perth so could bring it back with her (she gets back there on January 12th). It may not be much of a difference for Sean to ship to Perth rather than FL, but happy to help nonetheless.
I also have a full set ignition switch gas cap & faux cover lock in good working condition.
thanks for the replies ,. all. No nothing has been tried yet,.. girfriend is not very technical minded, and will just take it to the shop, I usually like to try and fix something myself first, as long as i have some decent "destructions" on what to do. What do you mean with contact cleaner? is this something to spray inside the barrel or should be remove the barrel lock and do something with the plug? Appreciate the help
Get some electrical parts cleaner from a local auto shop, stick the straw in the key hole and spray, install the key and turn it full one way then the other, repeat the cleaner a few times and see if it clears it up.
also make sure the plug is connected all the way.
clean any wire connections. and make sure they are together.
Been through like 5 barrels on mine personally...long story. Anyhow! Pull it off the bike=2 bolts and a plug, then pull off the bottum of it=2 scews, pull the contacts and clean them up.( most importantly make sure the brass contact with the 3 bumps on it is springing back up. The ignitions get hot and melt this part in the down position occassionally.
Been through like 5 barrels on mine personally...long story. Anyhow! Pull it off the bike=2 bolts and a plug, then pull off the bottum of it=2 scews, pull the contacts and clean them up.( most importantly make sure the brass contact with the 3 bumps on it is springing back up. The ignitions get hot and melt this part in the down position occassionally.

You an try the contact cleaner, but this last post has it nailed. As a professional locksmith for the past 30+ years its most likely with that mileage the lock cylinder itself may be worn out, especially if you can pull the key out in the on position it's worn out. But as far as losing contact going over bumps check the connections on the back you may get away with cleaning the contacts and tightening the connections but the lock cylinders I'm sure Sean Morley will sell you cheap enough to just replace it and be done. Ed
You an try the contact cleaner, but this last post has it nailed. As a professional locksmith for the past 30+ years its most likely with that mileage the lock cylinder itself may be worn out, especially if you can pull the key out in the on position it's worn out. But as far as losing contact going over bumps check the connections on the back you may get away with cleaning the contacts and tightening the connections but the lock cylinders I'm sure Sean Morley will sell you cheap enough to just replace it and be done. Ed

how much would you charge me to rekey my gas cap to my ignition key?
I really hate having to drag 2 keys
how much would you charge me to rekey my gas cap to my ignition key?
I really hate having to drag 2 keys

I'll have to check out the gas cap on mine to see if they can be rekeyed, I'll get back to you once I get a chance to check it out. Ed
you would be better off rekeying the ignition to match the gas cap i had the same problem and rekeyed mine.
how much would you charge me to rekey my gas cap to my ignition key?
I really hate having to drag 2 keys

I'll be working on my bike this weekend and I'll let you know which lock to send me so you only will have one key. I'll keep you posted. Ed