I like the blue on the truck ! I painted a Max for a member in Texas the same blue to match her truck.Excellent buy and we all know Blue is just as fast as Black & Carbon Fiber !
I'm seriously considering changing out the current blue on the '90 , for a matching blue on my truck. Any thoughts or suggestions ?
Welcome to the forum . unk:
I donated $50.00 USD and Buster gave me over a years credit as a Forum Supporter so?????? I Don't Know Exactly...
LOL half the shirts I have are smartass & most people love them & if they dont oh well I really dont care.:biglaugh: This forum is well worth giving donations to. I will keep giving as long as I have the cash & will most likely be on the vendor list soon.No, Got enough T-Shirts.... Most of them get me into trouble for making a statement......:rofl_200: