My New Little Buddy

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Maybe someone could bring a double barrel like this one to the event

I was thinking glock 10mm and have Scott or Todd hiding with a ar-15 all ready pointing and ready to fire. For me in quick draw rule number one is no rules. :biglaugh:
Quick draw, I'm going with tthe Rossi 5 shot revolver in 44 special. When empty it can be thrown and cause severe damage. Suspenders required to holster it. Nice little revolver to keep in a desk draw handy too.
Danny a smart man can make it over and under or side by side. All i can say is it would be a fun bang. :biglaugh:
Danny I kind of think it's like a Rossi set up Each barrel shoot different ammo:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
If you read in the owners manual It identifies the barrels as front barrel and rear barrel Or barrel number 1 and barrel number 2 :rofl_200::rofl_200:
I believe that you load that one the same way you load a double rifle.
Break open or bend over, which ever term you prefer.
Insert one bullet into each barrel, ensure bullet is fully inserted.

If you are really good you can load both barrels at the same time :biglaugh:

A guy has a brand new S&W 380 Bodyguard he wants to sell w/ holster and box of shells for $300 anyone farmiliar with these guns? I'm just looking for a nice small carry piece. I'm curious what you guys think. Thanks
A guy has a brand new S&W 380 Bodyguard he wants to sell w/ holster and box of shells for $300 anyone farmiliar with these guns? I'm just looking for a nice small carry piece. I'm curious what you guys think. Thanks

It is a popular firecracker that was a hot item when it first released. Personally I find it lacking in ergonomics and would rather have a 9mm in a similar form factor instead. For a cheap concealed carry that fits in your pocket it is a good deal but if you have extra cash I would go with something better. Sig has a nice SAS edition 9mm pocket carry that is similar in size but feels much better when wielded (it is also nearly 3x the price).

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I hope she keeps her barrels clean.
I though it might me a scatter gun but it turn out to be a squirt gun and muzzle loader.
Ed if it has a laser its a good deal. Without it an average deal. I like the ruger lcp 380 with laser better. As for ammo what kind is it and what holster. Holster can cost $20 to $80 and ammo can cost $18 to $50 so if it a $50 hoolster and $40 ammo without laser and you can get it for $275 to $300 I would by it. But if its a $20 holster and $20 ammo I would only pay $250 laser is worth $75 to $50 more.
I am not a fan of the bodyguard. I would rather go with Sig's P238.


This is one I custom built for a customer.

I like having a hammer. But not fond of single action only guns. But these shoot so nice.

Here is mine before it gets some more machine work.


This is it above a 9mm M&P Shield. So you can see how much smaller it is.

Its a true pocket gun.

The two pictured here are wearing my custom exotic burl wood grips.

Looks like a toddler gun. Lol I like the first one alot will you take $300 for it.