We could make it interesting and have a Quick draw competition.:rofl_200:
Maybe someone could bring a double barrel like this one to the event
Quick draw, I'm going with tthe Rossi 5 shot revolver in 44 special. When empty it can be thrown and cause severe damage. Suspenders required to holster it. Nice little revolver to keep in a desk draw handy too.
I was thinking glock 10mm and have Scott or Todd hiding with a ar-15 all ready pointing and ready to fire. For me in quick draw rule number one is no rules. :biglaugh:
Danny a smart man can make it over and under or side by side. All i can say is it would be a fun bang. :biglaugh:
A guy has a brand new S&W 380 Bodyguard he wants to sell w/ holster and box of shells for $300 anyone farmiliar with these guns? I'm just looking for a nice small carry piece. I'm curious what you guys think. Thanks
For another $1100 you can have the gun underneath those grips....![]()