I see you are a fan of Yamaha - BTW great write up - I read throught it again, first time I came across it was when I was looking to buy one.
2 comments; re brake lever hole bush; I'm pretty sure my brake lever has one already fitted and possibly is factory fitted but the hole in my clutch lever was ovalised. I drilled it out to 10 mm and fitted a split bush that is coated for lubrication (an off the shelf part with correct diameter and width - note some folks fit a needle bearing but that requires using an M6 bolt.
secondly removing brake calliper pistons. If you have a compressor, then cable tying 3 piston downs allow removing t he 4 th one - repeat this for each piston; if compressor cannot push them out, then using brake fluid push by a brake lever will do it - either remove the master from the bike or maybe a mountain bike brake leve could be made to fit - would haver saved damaging the pistons although I suspect they were badly corroded so would have been unusable.