My Wife?s new ride

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Thanks again. And "INSTANT throttle response" you got that right. it's stinkin cool. this little bike is a fun bike to ride. I am still surprised by the power this little beauty has. Nothing like going out for a ride with your wife and seeing the HUGE grin on her face.
now imagine how fun they are with the 1000cc conversion!

now imagine how fun they are with the 1000cc conversion!


I'd probably mess my pants. It would be fun though:punk:

But my Wife would kill me really dead. I did ask her if we could do the conversion though, she just glared at me. Needless to say I am not going there. I would go from the hero that bought her this bike to the idiot that messed up her awesome ride.
Great bike, good on ya!

Ain't gonna be no bags for that bike, and it would ruin the lines.
Bet you could get a local welder to do you up a small luggage rack instead for not too much money.
Besides, once you get used to riding with a backpack, it's kinda nice to just jump off the bike and walk away without messing with straps and bungees.
Sweet Fazer,
I love the flow of lines on that bike.
I may have to keep an eye out for
one of those beasties.
Good job, and if the wife gets mad at
ya You can drop it off at my house . :rofl_200:
Sweet Fazer,
I love the flow of lines on that bike.
I may have to keep an eye out for
one of those beasties.
Good job, and if the wife gets mad at
ya You can drop it off at my house . :rofl_200:
She will only get mad if I try to do the 1000cc conversion and if I do that I am keepin it :eusa_dance: sorry, there will be no dropin it off ant anybody's house.


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