The fan circuit doesn't use relays. It's powered directly from the battery.
The fan circuit doesn't use relays. It's powered directly from the battery.
12V electrics are way above what I can comprehend.
Well keep off the 110V then! :biglaugh::rofl_200::clapping:
Naaah, couldn't get to it. It was happy hour Newcastle night so I rode the bike over to the pub with some riding buddies. But I understand what to do so I'm going to try for it tomorrow night. Also, I forgot to buy the right connectors this morning. Typical. :bang head:
Fantastic post Lankee.
Crap, as soon as I get home from work, my buddy calls up all crying, she says her recent ex (who she really cares about) just got diagnosed with terminal cancer, he's 31, an Army warrant officer. Can she come over because she needs to talk?
Well she just left, spent all evening bawling over the guy. And let me tell you, he's a real douche and a hateful selfish sonofabitch and I really can't make myself care very much, but nobody deserves this. I just had to keep quiet and let her bawl.
If there was such a thing as karma, though, this guy had it coming to him. But I wouldn't wish such an illness on anybody.
The instructions are great, I really appreciate you posting that. I'll get it, just gotta do the whole buddy thing....