I sent my carbs to Danny last week (DANG they're clean!)... I cleaned them three times with tons of carb cleaner and compressed air. Still had this odd random pop through the right exhaust (why I sent then to Danny). Got the carbs back today, put them on, sync'd em up, etc. The pop seems mostly gone (maybe an occasional one) but at idle, the left exhaust sounds even and consistent. The right seems to have a random skip... almost big cam like. It smooths out a smidge if I back the mix screw on carb #3 out 6 turns (the rest are at 3) but isn't perfect. I checked spark on all wires and it seems good. If I shut that mix screw all the way down and run it on the front cylinder, it's nice and smooth. Once I bring the problem cylinder back up, it gets erratic (no rpm fluctuation, just a erratic idle).
So... I have gas, air, good consistent spark, etc.
I'm thinking vacuum leak and have been told it could be a valve. I'm terrible at tracing vacuum leaks (tried starter fluid) and am not up to tackling valves alone (not wanting to pay a shop for 2,000 hours of labor, either).
I was thinking a nice afternoon of vmaxer fellowship, spinnin' wrenches, etc. would be cool!