New max rider in Pittsburgh

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New Member
Mar 26, 2019
Reaction score
Recently acquired a yamaha vmax a few weeks ago. Had it out a few times but dont really have anyone to ride with. Anyone around Pittsburgh?
I'm around. 25 minutes north of the city. Pittsburgh Mills mall area.
I don't ride my vmax though. Its merely a garage ornament at this point. I think the carbs will need cleaned before I can ride this year its been sitting so long. Maybe a battery too? Real life has been impeding on my fun.

There were a couple others in the area but, I've not seen them be active on the forum in a LONG time.
Sorry to hear you dont get out on the max anymore. If you decide you want to get out for a ride send me a message on here. I'm not a super fast guy, dont like going more than 80mph.
Come to Thunder in the Valley June 20-23 in Somerset Pa. Large gathering of Vmax's will be there.