Well-Known Member
yeah my fz1 has a slew of upgrades done to it and it's no slouch that's for sure. A buddy with the same upgrades ran a mid 10 at 140 mph in south carolina
What year of FZ1 -
Comfort -
Extremely comfortable for a sporty bike. Sits upright. Modified the seat and it's a lot more comfy for sure.
Torque -
Should be mid to upper 70's to the wheel
HP - should be mid to upper 130's to the wheel
Bring the front end up -
Yeah the power is there. Some consider this one of the best wheelie bikes out there. It doesn't come up like a hooligan bike but my bike is lowered so it's not a biggie for me. I'm not a wheelie guy so I don't know a ton about it's wheelie capabilities. Apparently it's easy to control up there or something. I'm too chicken to find out
Handling -
Handles great. Won't notice a difference on the street from any sport bike. Althogh turn in is a bit heaier, obviously.. the grip is still there too and with a couple easy mdoifications, it can be a GREAT handling bike.
Braking -
Don't really ride hard enough to answer this well enough. They are responsive and have never had me feeling like they weren't strong enough
What RPM does the bike start to get fun -
It has PLENTY of torque at about 4k. Surprisingly stout down low. As far as super speed, it gets fast fast at around 7-8k and keeps climbing from there. I recently rode a modified 600cc sport bike and it felt like a honda rebel to me. The torque is addicting.
What other bikes have you raced it against and won -
I don't really go around racing bikes. Only guy I've messed around with is my buddy with his 124whp 636 ninja. I pretty much dusted him. He said he had raced a bunch of 600's and never lost, raced an rc51 and beat him, and that's about all i know. I'd say it's faster than a gixxer 750 but slower than a gixxer 1000. Apparently all the fz1 people say it's about as fast as a 929 honda.
What other bikes have you raced it against and lost -
only bike i messed with was the ninja mentioned above.
What made you want to switch to the VMax -
I wanted more of a cruiser since I don't utilize the fz1's capabilites. I don't take turns aggresively, don't make high rpm sprints a lot, and like to cruise around and ride 2up a lot. I still wanted the speed when i feel like it and the torque is great stoplight to stoplight. No to mention the sound is menacing
What is the worst thing about the FZ1 -
The looks i suppose. Really it looks fine just a bit too much wheel gap above the front wheel kinda makes it look cheesy some times. All it needs is the full fairing kit or a naked streetfighter kit and it'll look great. It really is a fantastic all around bike and I love it. It's just not the right bike for my riding style. Stoplight to stoplight cruising and a few short 0-50 bursts is not what this bike was meant for.
Just curious about this stuff because besides having a lot of power, both bikes seem to be substantially different, so I'm wondering what "hooked" you about the Max -
Cruiser with power and amazing sound
Reason for assuming the vboost is unplugged is it doesn't synch up or whatever when you turn the key. However, it is NO slouch at all
still got my 05 for sale - lol. You might try craigslist but they only post to local areas so hard for people to find your trade request.