New VMOA Website

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Why would a non VMOA member want to have VMOA merchandise? My first thought was that only Vmax Owners Association members should be able to get VMOA stuff. But, if someone wants the gear, maybe they should pay full "retail". :confused2:

The idea of selling certain items to non-members, ie. the Vmax hats, to non-members at a slightly higher price has been batted around a couple of times. I doubt that we would do that as we want to provide merchandise to members only at this time.


I guess if you want something for nothing than you can think that way. There are those that want to be in a club and understand that to operate the club and to provide things like a magazine cost money so they gladly pay. :confused2:
Why would a non VMOA member want to have VMOA merchandise? My first thought was that only Vmax Owners Association members should be able to get VMOA stuff. But, if someone wants the gear, maybe they should pay full "retail". :confused2:

A few years ago I bought a nice fork brace and a couple of VMax patches at the VMOA store. These items had the VMax and Yamaha logos but no vmoa logo. I am not currently up to speed on what's being offered at the VMOA store. They used to sell several patches, hats, and shirts with the word "VMax" and a picture of the bike with no reference to "vmoa". In any case, if I were a VMOA member and a fellow vmax-er wanted an item from the VMOA store I'd pick it up for him or her.


I guess if you want something for nothing than you can think that way.

I'm not sure where you came up with the idea of "something for nothing", Jim. When a member of this site used his auto club membership to get a fellow rider and his bike home this was considered a good thing, right?

I'm not sure where you came up with the idea of "something for nothing", Jim. When a member of this site used his auto club membership to get a fellow rider and his bike home this was considered a good thing, right?


Do we have to go around in this circle again:confused2: You have said it multiple times how folks can get everything right here for no cost rather than join the VMOA. You know how I feel, I know how you feel and any further discussion around the topic is wasted bandwidth.

As for folks helping people it is always a good thing, just like when Tyler broke down in Delaware, called me and I put him in contact with a VMOA member that lived within 4 miles of where he was. Not only did the gent come to help he took Chuck to a shop that had the part and helped Tyler get his bike back on the road. No club or website has a monopoly on helping people that I am aware of. Just might be a bit easier to find people local to you with comprehensive contact information eh? Just sayin'.
Do we have to go around in this circle again:confused2: You have said it multiple times how folks can get everything right here for no cost rather than join the VMOA. You know how I feel, I know how you feel and any further discussion around the topic is wasted bandwidth.

Not exactly "no cost", Jim. I have donated money and input to this forum because it has provided a reliable and enjoyable venue for riders to meet online.

Contact info is good. The contact list on the VMOA site is great. I made a paper copy years ago because you never know when/where you'll break down. The contact info section on could be just as good if folks wanted to provide more info.

Do we have to go around in this circle again:confused2: You have said it multiple times how folks can get everything right here for no cost rather than join the VMOA. You know how I feel, I know how you feel and any further discussion around the topic is wasted bandwidth.

As for folks helping people it is always a good thing, just like when Tyler broke down in Delaware, called me and I put him in contact with a VMOA member that lived within 4 miles of where he was. Not only did the gent come to help he took Chuck to a shop that had the part and helped Tyler get his bike back on the road. No club or website has a monopoly on helping people that I am aware of. Just might be a bit easier to find people local to you with comprehensive contact information eh? Just sayin'.

Jim my friend....don't waste your time!!!:biglaugh:

Dale VMOA#2592 where it all began and continues...
Jim, you mentioned the words different and complimentary when describing your new vmoa website. I questioned you as to how your site would be complimentary (e.g. opposite) to what this site represents. If I seem overly persistent it is because you really didn't explain why it was different/complimentary; just more of the same thing (more items for sale at your store, more contact info, more vendor info). I thought you appreciated candid feedback. You make very good points and argue your case very well. Sorry if my feedback has made you upset.

I will not make any further comment on this topic unless someone important challenges my opinions/comments.

Jim, you mentioned the words different and complimentary when describing your new vmoa website. I questioned you as to how your site would be complimentary (e.g. opposite) to what this site represents. If I seem overly persistent it is because you really didn't explain why it was different/complimentary; just more of the same thing (more items for sale at your store, more contact info, more vendor info). I thought you appreciated candid feedback. You make very good points and argue your case very well. Sorry if my feedback has made you upset.

I will not make any further comment on this topic unless someone important challenges my opinions/comments.



I wasn't upset at all and the questions you just posed are different than what you intially asked and if I didn't answer them with sufficient details it might just be that as our new site is under construction I don't truly have all of them yet. You also have to take into account your history as far as commentary on the VMOA is concerned when you look at things from my perspective.

The VMOA site is different because it has different features than this forum with the store, club business sections, member contact section, et al. Our site also has to provide more information to the club members about specifics as it pertains to them and their membership than this site has to provide. Even in the forum supporters section there isn't much that the regular user would need to see. Where the sites compliment each other is actually in the forum sections. People have used both forums to point people toward the other forum for information etc. By working this way and not bashing the other site it is a complimentary and a symbiotic form of a working relationship that is centered on the common passion for the VMax, as it should be. As I have said there is no need for competition between the VMOA and VMF, it serves no purpose other than to cause a rift between members of either or both and the last thing I believe anyone should have to do is feel that they have to make a choice of one over the other. Perhaps the only forum I have ever felt was one that wanted to alienate VMOA members and the VMOA was the StarVmax forum, but as I have had limited dealings with Oliver the site owner I may be wrong.

All feedback is appreciated and believe me we want it to make our site a much more "attractive" site for our members and prospective members alike. A bad website may not kill a club, but a good website can definitely help a club gain members.
A little off subject but how many actively paid up riders are in the VMOA???:ummm:

A little off subject but how many actively paid up riders are in the VMOA???:ummm:


Would have to check to give you a precise number, but I can say it is ~950-975 give or take a bit. Actually on the positive side our numbers are on the increase with some former members re-joining and a growing number of new members. All in all I think that the work myself and others have been doing is beginning to pay dividends. Now we just have to keep the momentum going which is sometimes harder than the initial work you have to put in.
Man i tell ya what. VMF VMOA all same good group of guys that like Vmax motorcycles. It seems like theres always a few that cant seem to have more than one friend. Gotta make one site look better than the other. You cant compare the two, they are different entities, pretty much for the same thing BUT ya dont see alot of guys throwing their personal info around on here. VMOA I know the guys im talking to and I know where they live and for the most part im introduced to their families. On a paid site I know these guys are serious, not hiding anything, and are gonna be around for at least a year, so i trust the people a little more. Ive ran into guys that just pop in on this site and ask me questions, or try to buy stuff from me, then i give out where im from, some personal info, and bam... they arent on this site no more. I really like the VMF format and all the guy on this site. It is much handier to use than the VMOA site. Buster is a great guy, that reminds me i need to donate again its been to long. All that being said BOTH great clubs and great people, just seems like some cant hang out in both arenas and have to try to make the other look bad. Not good for the Vmax community at all. Thats all my personal opinion.
Man i tell ya what. VMF VMOA all same good group of guys that like Vmax motorcycles. It seems like theres always a few that cant seem to have more than one friend. Gotta make one site look better than the other. You cant compare the two, they are different entities, pretty much for the same thing BUT ya dont see alot of guys throwing their personal info around on here. VMOA I know the guys im talking to and I know where they live and for the most part im introduced to their families. On a paid site I know these guys are serious, not hiding anything, and are gonna be around for at least a year, so i trust the people a little more. Ive ran into guys that just pop in on this site and ask me questions, or try to buy stuff from me, then i give out where im from, some personal info, and bam... they arent on this site no more. I really like the VMF format and all the guy on this site. It is much handier to use than the VMOA site. Buster is a great guy, that reminds me i need to donate again its been to long. All that being said BOTH great clubs and great people, just seems like some cant hang out in both arenas and have to try to make the other look bad. Not good for the Vmax community at all. Thats all my personal opinion.

Well said!
On a paid site I know these guys are serious, not hiding anything, and are gonna be around for at least a year, so i trust the people a little more.


Thank you for addressing my question about differences between the clubs. What you mentioned above is definately a plus for a paid site.


You mentioned your site is still a work in progress so I can respect that you cannot provide all the answers. As the person most "under the gun" by my questions I appreciate that you answered my questions respectfully and to the best of your ability...and that you didn't respond like a kool-aid drinker! LOL!

Also to follow up with what Jim has been saying about the new to come VMOA webiste, we are actively seeking comments & suggestions from all our members so that we may be able to incorporate that into the design of the new to come VMOA website.

There is an email address setup for specifically this subject (VMOA website redesign): [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from everyone on ideas to make it a better user experience for all.
Please make sure it's Apple, I-phone, I-pad, and also Android friendly. I can hardly wait. Rand
How about a toll-free number VMOA phone/pager number? Not everyone has a blackberry or even a cell phone. Members in need of help could make an inexpensive call from a payphone and hopefully be directed to a local member who could lend a hand.

How about a toll-free number VMOA phone/pager number? Not everyone has a blackberry or even a cell phone. Members in need of help could make an inexpensive call from a payphone and hopefully be directed to a local member who could lend a hand.


Interesting idea. Maybe a VMOA help line that can access the membership database and provide the numbers for members within a 25 mile radius, or at least the regional director/chapter leader if no members are nearby. The only downside might be cost, but it might be worth exploring.
Interesting idea. Maybe a VMOA help line that can access the membership database and provide the numbers for members within a 25 mile radius, or at least the regional director/chapter leader if no members are nearby. The only downside might be cost, but it might be worth exploring.

Cost might be off-set by using VOIP.

Can you make it as easy to upload pics like it is on this site? After all these years I still can't upload pics on the VMOA site....