I am new to the VMAX world. Got mine a couple days ago. a 2003 with 6,100 miles on it for $5,200. Think I got a good deal! I have seen some more some less so think I did OK.
Anyway I have always wanted a VMAX but could never afford nor find one. I am 25 in grad school so money is always tight. Anyway I have a 94 Honda Magna which I m selling. Great bikes actually. Long story short I convinced myself I needed a more reliable bike than a 94 with 40+ miles because my car broke down:ummm:
Anyway got a max and loving it. Having a few issues but that was expected. It has obviously not been ridden much. I am close friends with the GM at the local Yamaha/Honda place so that helps.
My issues are it took me an hour to find the gas tank lol! But seriously I need to make it idle at higher revs, not sure where the knob is for this on the Vmax. I will need some carb work at some point but don't have the cash right now due to my car but it idles at only 3-400 and often dies at a light. Usually when I am sitting in first for some reason. Is OK when I sit in neutral. I keep it at 1,000 like my magna was recommended to be at it is fine. Also got some annoying rattles, guess that's just the VMAX but when I got over a bump front end rattles and is annoying. Will get used to it though.
But anyway I am absolutely over the moon to have this max and it really makes long days at work then class etc etc so worth it you know?!!!
Anyway name is Mark. I am from England. Live here for now - Louisiana. Nice to meet you all
I am new to the VMAX world. Got mine a couple days ago. a 2003 with 6,100 miles on it for $5,200. Think I got a good deal! I have seen some more some less so think I did OK.
Anyway I have always wanted a VMAX but could never afford nor find one. I am 25 in grad school so money is always tight. Anyway I have a 94 Honda Magna which I m selling. Great bikes actually. Long story short I convinced myself I needed a more reliable bike than a 94 with 40+ miles because my car broke down:ummm:
Anyway got a max and loving it. Having a few issues but that was expected. It has obviously not been ridden much. I am close friends with the GM at the local Yamaha/Honda place so that helps.
My issues are it took me an hour to find the gas tank lol! But seriously I need to make it idle at higher revs, not sure where the knob is for this on the Vmax. I will need some carb work at some point but don't have the cash right now due to my car but it idles at only 3-400 and often dies at a light. Usually when I am sitting in first for some reason. Is OK when I sit in neutral. I keep it at 1,000 like my magna was recommended to be at it is fine. Also got some annoying rattles, guess that's just the VMAX but when I got over a bump front end rattles and is annoying. Will get used to it though.
But anyway I am absolutely over the moon to have this max and it really makes long days at work then class etc etc so worth it you know?!!!
Anyway name is Mark. I am from England. Live here for now - Louisiana. Nice to meet you all