I'm no chemist, but I am a board operator at a chemical plant.(which means I have no entitlement to an opinion other than personal experience working with basic elements/chemicals,etc.)
I don't think it's very likely that a tire would leak more slowly when filled with N2 than with air. Air's already nearly 80% N2. If it's the O2 that's leaking out, (which is possible) then you should soon have an atmosphere inside the tire that is mostly N2 anyway.
As far as heat removal, N2 is not much different than air, and where would it be removing it to? It would have to be carrying the heat away and releasing it somewhere, like through the wheel.
I do think N2 might reduce chemical degradation inside the tire. O2 is much more reactive than N2, and dry N2 is probably even better, as water supports many chemical reactions.
Just my 2 cents, and if there are any experts out there feel free to correct me.:Wink2: