NJ town penalizes traffic jam software users

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Do you live near Leonia NJ, by the 'other end' of the George Washington Bridge? You will be subject to a proposed $200 fine, starting Jan. 2018, if you use their surface streets to avoid traffic on I-95. "No WAZE for you!"

In mid-January, the borough’s police force will close 60 streets to all drivers aside from residents and people employed in the borough during the morning and afternoon rush periods, effectively taking most of the town out of circulation for the popular traffic apps — and for everyone else, for that matter. Leonia plans to issue residents yellow tags to hang in their cars, and nonresidents who use the streets in the morning and afternoon will face $200 fines. Its police department has already alerted the major traffic and navigation apps to the impending changes, which will take effect on Jan. 22 from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week.



This guy will be watching, and laughing.
That seems so OUTRAGEOUS to me.

HOW can that possibly be LEGAL??

Surely the roads and side streets were paid for using the taxes of ALL N.J. residents and NOT JUST the inhabitants of the area "other end' of the George Washington Bridge.

Maybe someone can tell me HOW this is even legal???
That seems so OUTRAGEOUS to me.

HOW can that possibly be LEGAL??

Surely the roads and side streets were paid for using the taxes of ALL N.J. residents and NOT JUST the inhabitants of the area "other end' of the George Washington Bridge.

Maybe someone can tell me HOW this is even legal???

I have been noticing lots of little power grabs lately, both local and national. Defiance of the voters and tax payers seems quite trendy.
**** them! I get my ******* reamed every week by nj in my check and my property taxes.
I'll drive wherever the **** I want in this state.
Who the **** are they to say Like was mentioned , I was going to get a cup of coffee.
That's bull ****.
A lot of commuters travel through my town every day doing the same ****. Should we do the same thing then?
They are going to get sued!
I live close to that area and fish in Overpeck Park quite often.
If they tried some BS like this, I'd have a good reason to take it to the supreme court if necessary. Could you imagine all local businesses being closed down because people driving trough would stop doing so, in fear of being ticketed? Pretty soon, someone will try to come up with a way to charge you for air you breath.
It's just a matter of time and greed.
B.S. TO THE EXTREME. I expect it to be tested in court soon. So, if I miss an exit and happen to need to proceed to the next and turn around, I'll be fined? No!
B.S. TO THE EXTREME. I expect it to be tested in court soon. So, if I miss an exit and happen to need to proceed to the next and turn around, I'll be fined? No!

Yup, If you don't have the "yellow" tag, your getting a fine!
My son is a civil engineer and goes over the GWB every morning at 5:30am for work.
Sometimes he has to go over to RT 4 from 95 to get there.
So He's going to get a ticket IF they start it at that time in the am?
Not that it matters what time it is, it's still ********.
I can promise you, nobody is saving time by using any app to avoid traffic in that area. Been there done that. The roads in those towns are too narrow and already congested. During rush hour every road ends up gridlocked within minutes, if there is single accident or broken down vehicle on or immediately after the bridge.

I can understand the frustration of the homeowners there to an extent, because it's only recently with now everyone having a navigation system built into their phones, has this been a problem.

This is a bridge and water crossing like no other..... the busiest in the world. An AVERAGE of over 300,0000 cars per DAY cross the bridge. Significantly higher than that on weekdays I'm sure.

And......the best part is you get to pay ONLY $15 for the privilege to cross. :surprise:
I live close to that area and fish in Overpeck Park quite often.
If they tried some BS like this, I'd have a good reason to take it to the supreme court if necessary. Could you imagine all local businesses being closed down because people driving trough would stop doing so, in fear of being ticketed? Pretty soon, someone will try to come up with a way to charge you for air you breath.
It's just a matter of time and greed.

The CEO of Nestle already has espoused the idea that “access to water is not a public right”or even a human right in which this linked article reveals. I live on one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and I cannot wrap my head around this thought at all.
In Miami-Dade Co. Florida, to use the 'Lexus lanes' (toll road) on I-95 to commute to/from the counties to the north into Miami, it's about $1.00/mile, or more. Some idiot lawmaker or bureaucrat even proposed having 'Lexus lanes' on the Florida Turnpike, which is already a toll-road! So, an additional toll on the toll-road!

Wait until they start charging you a premium for the privilege of not owning an autonomous vehicle! It's coming, wait, and see, unfortunately.
And here I thougt we'd be the champions in imposing outrageous traffic fines .:th_signs60:
Is that EACH WAY?:red ass:

If it is, thats 30 dollars a day.....OR 150 a week......OR 7800 a year......

$15, you pay only on one side. If you want to go to Long Island though about 5 miles further, that will cost you another$8.50.

Calculate how much they collect per day though.....300K+ crossings X $15!!
LOL, I do watch that show.....

Me too!
I can't help watching anything with an engine!:biglaugh:
It's in my blood.
I don't even care about all the subliminal advertising that's on there.
Hell, someone's got to pay for those 80k engines!