no spark !!!!!!!!!!!!

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uri gal

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Tel aviv
ho ho not another problem!!!!!!!! I can take it anymore!!!!

I do turn it up…and it worked great on idle and suddenly dead at once!

on the bike I have denso COP and ignitech ignition unit - its a 1985 vmax (twin pickups)

1. I have no spark at any of the coils (I put a new plug out side and put it near the engine to have ground) – no spark !
2. On wires Before the coil over plugs itself, I do have a study 12v on the yellow connectors that feed the COP..– both wire and for all the four
3. All fuses good
4. the ignition got power and the bike make self test of the vboost servo

5. So I to suspect – or the pickups or the ignitech – correct ?

6. I checked the ohms of the pickups – took four measurements while the +ve of the multimeter always on the orange wire ad got:
a. 250 ohms
b. 250
c. 250
d. 124
e. I check vmax book and saw that it need to be 94 to 126 ohms
7. I don’t know how to check the ignitech unit….

What do you think ?

It my diagnostic of pickups or ignition control unit is correct?</SPAN>

But What should I do next?



It happened right after I wash the bike with a garden hose….. I found now a water inside the connectors of the COP, it is possible that it damaged the igniting unit??
My 85with a stock ignitor and unresistored COPS did the same thing last year. Turned out the sidestand cutoff relay failed. Unplugging it got the bike running again. It's a small relay with a blue base, buried up bu the ignitor box.
Ignatech units have proven to be very sturdy, so far, Uri. It appears to be a pick up issue. But, lets double check because there are other possibilities. I recall an issue with the Yamaha manual on testing the pick ups. 250 ohms is an indication of a bad one. There is a thread or post, by Mark, if I recall.
it was the FUxxxxx STAND RELAY... !! unbelievable...

friends - thank u so much for your help!

I am so glad that my max is a live :)