Noise and the Law!

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basically its an insert for the end of the pipe (check out the website) but it may need you to swap out to turn down tips.

my holeshot 17" cans are quieter than my supertrapps were.

marks 17" cans with a smaller outlet may be the ticket for you.
so how are these test done on the side of the road? at idle or 1500rpm, wide open? whats the "law they are trying to pass"
my kerker is not a comp baffle and its just fine at cruise, not loud at all. 75mph is sweet, but you crack it a hair and well ya it makes a little bit of sound. ive learned from my cars when passing by or close to a cop to get off the gas, or into neutral for a sec, if everyone is at cruising speed, you car or bike at idle makes no noise at all comparatively
Basically they test your bike for 92db at idle, then they rev your bike to 2000rpm if your bike is less then 3 or more then 4 cylinders and test if your over 96db or if your bike is 3 or 4 cylinders they rev it to 5000rpm and if your over 100db then you get a $250 fine if you fail any of the 2 tests

for any other information visit

personally if a cop wanted to rev my bike to 5000rpm and keep it there while they did their test i would tell them to screw themselves, i am not bringing my bike up to that kind of rpm and keeping it there without any load on it and run the risk of hurting my engine just so they can give me a fine, thats just crazy.
Setting limits on noise around residential areas has merit. Everyone's opinion will vary but IMHO some things are just too loud and not in a pleasing way either. For example, a roadglide with short, straight pipes passed me on a busy freeway and I could still hear it 1/2 a mile away. I also heard a set of UFO pipes on a VMax that I would consider too loud but the owner loved them and thought they were sweet.

However, why single out motorcycles? I've been awoken from a nice sleep by 4-banger tuner cars, muscle cars/trucks, as well as some car audio systems thumping so why not target those vehicles/drivers? If a decibal-recording device can be used to measure motorcycle noise, why not car exhaust noise or stereo noise?

You'd probably be safe on any country road, highway or freeway but be careful in small towns, especially in the residential areas.

why not car stereo noise?


i was pulled over for that in my younger days when i liked to hear BOOM BOOM BOOM and nothing else, now i dont like it so much plus my kids are usually in the car with me. when the kids arent with me i usually turn off the radio for the peace and