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I've decided that his bike is a piece of crap. I spent hours today in forums and testing things on the bike. Nothing. Makes me love my max more and more lol

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Put the original plugs back in see what happens . If it don't change you have a dif issue & it was a coinkydink. Sorry didn't see this was already recomended
Put the original plugs back in see what happens . If it don't change you have a dif issue & it was a coinkydink. Sorry didn't see this was already recomended

It was mentioned, but we don't know if they tried it?:confused2:
We already trashed the old spark plugs :/ we check all of the connections and bought a new battery-nothing.
We also investing in spark plug testers. We were not able to get any sparks on any of the 4 plugs. We even double checked the tester on my bike and it works. Something is keeping the bike from sparking. Thoughts?

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start the bike and take a can of carb spray and as you rev it and it starts to miss give it a little spray and see if it likes it or dis-likes it. if it revs up and likes it you know its fuel. If it bogs and dont like it than its most likely spark. It sounds to me like its in a limp mode for some reason.
Do you have all the plug caps on the plugs? Not talking about the spark plug caps on the end of the wires, I mean the little metal screw on caps that thread on the spark plug. Not sure if your bikes plug caps in the wire are set up for them or not. This would for sure cause your issue. What brand plug and part number did you put in the bike?


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We just got back from the shop. We took out the coils at cables and had them tested. They all test fine.

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Ok I haven't messed with carbs or spray much. Where would I spray it? Dumb question I know but I don't want to make things worse lol

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Should I try this?

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That's the stuff, just don't spray a ton of it on anything rubber. You could spray it around the carb boot to check the revs. If it revs up, there's a leak there (not sure how that would have happened, though).

Definitely strange after just replacing plugs. You confirm that the ignition system is sending signals to spark both plugs?

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Ok we found at least part of the problem. A cut wire going into the icm (brain/computer) now we have to figure out how to fix the darn thing

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Ok we found at least part of the problem. A cut wire going into the icm (brain/computer) now we have to figure out how to fix the darn thing

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Do you think that happened messing with the battery?:confused2:
If you jumper the wire, does it work properly?

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I used some needle nose pliers to hold the wires together. The bike fired right up. I did not linger (I'm scared to death of being shocked lol) but it fired right up!

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