Now it was my turn...

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NG, this happened on wednesday the 16th. I had remembered that you and Robert were planning a trip for the weekend. I was hoping to still be around when you were there.
So now that you rode the Dragon, whats your opinion of riding 2 up at dusk in the rain? That was how I got back to my motel in Robbinsville.

Damn we arrived on the 17th at night..

I dunno about riding the dragon 2 up, it was hard enough riding it daytime in the rain the first time! Then I went and rode it both ways in the rain again next day, and finally both ways at night in semi-dry conditions, basically lots of wet patches, Vmax stock headlight (poor) and not very much confidence!

OK actually I think riding it pillion is just more than I could take, especially after a bear encounter.. :worthy::worthy::worthy:
Okay guys, The adjuster has just left my house. I must say that im amazed!
I handed him 2 spread sheets of the parts lists that I made up online. One was from Mondak for $4600 and the other from Bike Bandit for $4250.
I told him that I will eat all labor to help keep the costs down. he said give me 15 minutes to work on some numbers.
He came out of his car with a print out of the estimate that he prepared with with my numbers and handed me a check for $4799.21. He put in 6 hours labor, minus my $250 deductable.
Life is great. He also told me that they will be sending me a another check to cover the $327 tow bill.
Okay guys, The adjuster has just left my house. I must say that im amazed!
I handed him 2 spread sheets of the parts lists that I made up online. One was from Mondak for $4600 and the other from Bike Bandit for $4250.
I told him that I will eat all labor to help keep the costs down. he said give me 15 minutes to work on some numbers.
He came out of his car with a print out of the estimate that he prepared with with my numbers and handed me a check for $4799.21. He put in 6 hours labor, minus my $250 deductable.
Life is great. He also told me that they will be sending me a another check to cover the $327 tow bill.
Well how do ya like me now! Good on ya!!! :punk:
Now go have some BEAR sausages and a beer and toast one to your new found friend! The bear or the adjuster, you pick :rofl_200:
thats great. whats the actual cost going to be?

What mods are ya gonna do?????/

Excellent! Like I said before, State Farm kinda has high premiums. But they pay out very well when something does happen. Too bad more insurance companies dont treat their customers that way.
WOW! Awesome!

Mondak was more $$$ I would call and talk to Gary. He'll beat the price I'm sure.

Good advise Chris. I will call and talk to Gary.

As far as cost go to fix, I'm unsure at this point.

Mods???? Hmmm. I will be changing my exhaust. I think that I will go with a Marks system. I think that I will have to re-jet? I believe that I need to talk to Mark and Sean about what needs to be done.
You don't HAVE to rejet with Marks. There's power to be had by doing so with Seans kit though.

Sean can probably save you some money with some used stuff. He hooked me up with a faux cover in trade for my walker headers.

Damn KS, I just read this post.
Sorry bout your luck man.
Sounds like you went through all the same stuff I did when I wrecked mine.
Looks like you made out ok with the bike though.
Glad to hear it.
Now get that puppy back on the road in time for Biketoberfest!
Then go bear Hunting!
Damn KS, I just read this post.
Sorry bout your luck man.
Sounds like you went through all the same stuff I did when I wrecked mine.
Looks like you made out ok with the bike though.
Glad to hear it.
Now get that puppy back on the road in time for Biketoberfest!
Then go bear Hunting!

Dude he did go bear hunting, with his bike. :damn angry:
" WOW " IT WOULD HAVE BEEN MY OWN " **** " DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BIKE ! BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE **** !... :eek:....:bigeyes:
Hmmm , sounds almost worth it. I wonder how much I'd get if I hit an Elephant?
I'm taking the Vmax to the Zoo this weekend...

Just read the story.

You sir, are a lucky fellow!

That bear is probably dead in the bush by now - as they can can go very far on adrenaline alone.

I wonder if you did hit him with your body - thus cusioning the blow?

I hope the best for you and the max!
Here are a couple of pics from right after the crash. Bike doesn't look too bad damage wise. I know it's extremely dirty. If you look closely at the case guard, you can see that was the sacrificial part. It really saved my bike.
The red "stuff" is from the bear. I really wanted to think that it came from his mouth, but that was the side where his ass would have been. I believe I bent him in half and his head bent my radiator on the left side.
The blurry pic is the bears ass as he was walking away. He was a few hundred yards up the road and about a hundred yards in the woods. The pics where you can see the cars is where the bears was at. You can see my friend walking up the road with his camera to get his pic.

Robert, I wont be able to make it to Octoberfest. I wont have her on the road by then. I will be going back to work on the 4th and will be gone until the 28th. So by the time I get back, all of my parts should be here waiting to be installed. I'm hoping that Capt Kyle will have a tech day after I'm up and rolling.

I want to thank everybody on this forum for all of the help and advice that I have gained here. Also want to thank Hubeerjw, Sean, dannymax for setting me up with some of the hard to find parts to get my Max back rolling again. You guys rock, thanks!!

Anybody looking to buy any parts, Gary at Mondak and Joe at Boxenstopp are to really helpful guys. Make sure you look them up.


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Here are a couple of pics from right after the crash. Bike doesn't look too bad damage wise. I know it's extremely dirty. If you look closely at the case guard, you can see that was the sacrificial part. It really saved my bike.
The red "stuff" is from the bear. I really wanted to think that it came from his mouth, but that was the side where his ass would have been. I believe I bent him in half and his head bent my radiator on the left side.
The blurry pic is the bears ass as he was walking away. He was a few hundred yards up the road and about a hundred yards in the woods. The pics where you can see the cars is where the bears was at. You can see my friend walking up the road with his camera to get his pic.

Robert, I wont be able to make it to Octoberfest. I wont have her on the road by then. I will be going back to work on the 4th and will be gone until the 28th. So by the time I get back, all of my parts should be here waiting to be installed. I'm hoping that Capt Kyle will have a tech day after I'm up and rolling.

I want to thank everybody on this forum for all of the help and advice that I have gained here. Also want to thank Hubeerjw, Sean, dannymax for setting me up with some of the hard to find parts to get my Max back rolling again. You guys rock, thanks!!

Anybody looking to buy any parts, Gary at Mondak and Joe at Boxenstopp are to really helpful guys. Make sure you look them up.

Half of me would want to unload my magazine on that bear's ass. The other half says, awwweee poor bear.