Oil leak

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New Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Thomas Kentucky
My '94 is leaking oil through a tube from the breather box out the bottom of the bike. Not much just a few drops after riding that drip down the kickstand. The breather box has a small coating of oil in it. I took it to the dealer and they found it and cleaned it out, they said they could'nt figure out where the oil was coming from. My left boot ends up with a little oil on it as well as my left side pipe, when I get done riding. Anyone know what the problem may be?
The crankcase vents into the airbox. Oil in the airbox indicates too much oil in the case. However, it is not uncommon. I keep mine topped up to the top of the sight glass and it does blow a little into the airbox with extended high speed riding.:biglaugh:
Hopefully thats all it is. I do ride hard occasionally......
It just started happening the last 3000 miles or so. I bugs the crap out of me and makes my left pipe look like ****. Is there any fix for it?
how much oil is in it as T65 said, maybe take a little out and then go for long ride see if it still happens.
I always thought you were only supposed to fill up to about halfway in the sight glass. My old Suzuki quad and I think my Magna have little ticks about 1/3 and 2/3 of the way up the glass----the "low" and "full" marks. I always put the bike on the centerstand and added oil until it was half way up. Start the motor for a bit, then top back up to half way again.

And ya, it's just a little oil mist burping out of the breather. No big deal, like you said it just kinda makes a mess but not hurting anything.
ya half wayish is right, i find if i have any more oil for sure finds its way out and makes a mess.
+1. i fill mine up to 1/2 between the top mark and 1/2 way. just b/c i like to. when i first got the bike it was well over the top mark, couldn't even see a bubble in the sight glass and i used to puke oil all over.