"Once in a Blue Moon"

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Thats a cool idea for a party, imma use that, consider it stolen!

I love folk music, have plenty Dylan et al as it just seems to work well with a fire pit and a full moon. It can be fun to try and find quality FLAC files of classic music.

off-topic, but FLAC can be hard, not very popular, at least not here in Europe ; but you do realize that the WAV format is free? That is, if you have it on CD, you can simply rip it to wav and you have an exact CD-quality, 44kHz, 16bit copy (actually simply the CD file itself...)...the camp fire can provide the crackly scratchy sounds for ambience :)
WAV is lossless but huge, FLAC is compressed but also lossless. I could never hear the difference ( between mp3 320 and lossless)until I finished my diy Fusion 8 waveguides, now the difference is painfully clear. It took me over a week to get them and the UM18 subs assembled and finished but well worth the time and eeffort. Good music with good quality goes great with lumpia, ribs, cigars and a few friends.

I find amazing assortments of FLAC files from p2p services, besides having to rerip zillions of CDs. I love turntables! Unfortunately not prpractical at this time. I put further sound upgrades on hold to buy the Vmax and get it canyon and tour ready. The money saved by going diy on the speakers paid for the Vmax and some of the mods, and sound significantly better.
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