Open Carry?????

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I'm all for it. When I was stationed in North Carolina I regularly open carried and never had a negative experience. I hope Texas changes their 150 year old laws and expressly allows for the open carry of handguns, instead of just long guns.

As for the OP, I think the only downside would be if you came off the bike and ruined two of your favorite pieces on the pavement.
Texas, at least, reworded the concealed carry law to allow for unintentional exposure. This was a relief as riding posture is hell on concealment.
Yeah, no open carry of handguns in Texas period. (A few exemptions for archaic antique or reproduction firearms) But a tank bag solves that.

And no license to buy, to own, no registration and nothing needed at all for the law abiding citizen to carry a handgun in the vehicle as long as it's not in plain view.

No restrictions on private sale either (which is always a back door to registration)

I will say we are one of the few states that have FANTASTIC laws concerning the actual use of the gun. Protection from civil suit, deadly force to defend property, same rights apply to defending 3rd parties life or property as defending your own etc.

It does no good to carry a gun if using it to defend your life or property will ruin it. Texas has recognized that and done something about it.

And most importantly individual cities cannot make firearm
laws with the single exception concerning where one can be discharged.

And even better counties can't make law concerning discharge of firearms. Meaning if you live outside of a city you can shoot to your hearts content. Public nuisance and noise laws may get you there tho.
My brother was forced to build his own indoor gun range after noise complaints from the neighbors in a county subdivision he lives in. But only after he forced the homeowners association to nearly drain their coffers in civil court. His favorite movie is "The Jack Bull" he got his satisfaction to say the least.

Texas also legalized switchblades for carry last year.
Yeah, no open carry of handguns in Texas period. But a tank bag solves that.
And no license to buy, to own, no registration and nothing needed at all for the law abiding citizen to carry a handgun in the vehicle as long as it's not in plain view.

No restrictions on private sale either (which is always a back door to registration)

I will say we are one of the few states that have FANTASTIC laws concerning the actual use of the gun. Protection from civil suit, deadly force to defend property, same right apple to defending 3rd parties life or property as defending your own etc.
iIt does no good to carry a gun if using it to defend your life will ruin it.
I really miss Texas but at least I am Happy Florida is pretty close on the same laws
Idaho has very similar laws to Texas regarding use of firearms for defense, but here we're allowed to open carry and concealed carry permits are Shall Issue so if you take the state course or have taken a certified course or have military training they have to issue you a permit if you pass the background check.
That being said, I prefer concealed carry because the element of surprise is generally a one up in any confrontation. I do occasionally open carry if I'm on a long ride to one of the smaller towns or if I know I won't be stopping anywhere that serves alcohol. And to touch on the comfort aspect, proper gear for each occasion makes a huge difference, I generally wear either a legendary leathers cc vest with the inner pistol pockets, or a denim vest with a shoulder holster during warmer riding weather, in the winter when I'm stuck in the cage for transportation I generally just carry an iwb semi auto. But I generally wear longer shirts because I'm not a little fella and nobody ever notices and my few friends that know I carry all know I'm the safest person to be around because I know what I'm doing and have taught them to shoot as well. Some of my friends I've even run them through drills of what to do if I were ever incapacitated and they needed to retrieve my firearm(s) and use them to defend themselves or others.
I will admit most of the time I would probably conceal carry but on the bike around here I would let it hang right out in the open we have some real dick head drivers in Florida. Brett watched one switch lanes right into me & I still have tire marks on my boot & engine guard to prove it & the guy done it on purpose & there was no doubt about it. I did not have my permit them
n if I would have I most likely would have shot his sorry ass & I think there would have been enough witnesses to prove he was trying to kill me with his car.
I think its a good idea and im all for it.:biglaugh:

I've carried a weapon legally either concealed, unconcealed or 3 moves to access it since the 1970's. I prefer to carry concealed but there are times that open carry has been a great deterrent to criminal activities around and involving me. Open carry on private property here is legal. Just don't stray over property lines.

My neighborhood has been a transient area all 32 years I have lived here. That being said, I've had more than one time that I've been approached by individuals or groups looking to make a score. I haven't been robbed yet. One Guy came into my garage and explained how he was going to take one of my bikes. He asked me what I was going to do about it. With a 45 in his face, I calmly explained that I was going to fertilize my front yard. My weapon had been laying on the boat seat where I was working and he totally missed that. I had it out because It hurt to sit down with the full sized 1911 in my pocket. I never saw anyone run and jump 2, 4' fences so fast in my life.

I haven't shot any one in the neighborhood yet. Left some out cold in the yard. Never had even one return engagement by the same individual. My firearm is a last resort but it is also a serious deterrent. Anyone who has lived in this area for any time at all knows I carry something that will do bodily harm to them,,, or be used to protect them in certain instances should the need arise. As I get older, I think more about using it, so criminals "Beware".

My Wife Mary got her CWP after being followed home from work by a guy in a truck, after Midnight. Luckily I was awaiting her arrival, standing behind a tree. Neither of us is now an "Easy Target". She has had several encounters since and hasn't shot anyone to date.
Thanks SpecOps13.

For the past several years, it has been a safe bet that I have a pistol at the ready. And, I've discovered that it was clearly visible while riding. However, when I discover this I try to return it to concealment.

Carrying, of itself, has basically made me a more peaceful person. I have never pulled or brandished my pistol. The only exception is is training or practice which is at a range or on private land. As open carry is only a choice outside my state, I haven't tried it on. Even though I could open carry in Louisiana, for example, I cross the border concealed and generally don't travel with extra holsters.

I type this to relate to those that think open carry may be an effective idiot deterrent when riding among cages. The cagers trying to kill you with their stupidity can't see you on your motorcycle ... they are less likely to focus in on details of your attire. And, you aren't likely to cowboy up and discharge rounds into the air to get their attention. Instead, you will continue to survive with the basic assumption that the cages are tryiing to kill you while using your superior awareness to avoid their traps.
When I was riding down to Eureka Springs for the rally my GPS got crossed up and I ended up going down some interesting roads. Deliverance territory... spent several miles down gravel/dirt roads. Saw some fellas that looked like trashier versions of the Duck Dynasty boys. Given Missouri's record with meth labs... I wondered if I was rolling into some dangerous territory. It made me think...

I do plan to take more motorcycle trips and I want protection. So I've purchased a new handgun for CC(Walther PPS .40 Cal). I realize I will have to factor in the gun laws when planning my trips, but that's fine.