I read this article & it makes me think. I am guilty of not always wearing the right gear. http://fzronline.com/wiki/doku.php?id=extreme_road_rash-cause_effect_and_lesson_learned
I wear my helmet & boots most of the time but am bad about just wearing a sleevless tshirt . I am also guilty of taking short test rides in my subdivison with shorts & no helmet
LMAO ! I have only been guilty of riding with out clothes one time at a crazy rally in Texas. I did have on socks though.LOLread that quick and thought it said "with no shorts and a helmet" that scared me!
read that quick and thought it said "with no shorts and a helmet" that scared me!
LMAO ! I have only been guilty of riding with out clothes one time at a crazy rally in Texas. I did have on socks though.LOL
LOL ! just 2 anklets & my neon lights on my goldwing had me shining. I was a little wilder back then. The funny part came when I got that big ass thing hot from riding around the park so much & my clutch quit working. Luckily by that time I was not to far from the camp so I did not have to push it to far.You guys know how I feel.
That was quite a story.
Patmax is right, the people in FL must have divine faith, the way they ride w/no protection. I see plenty of people in leathers, even in the summer, but the average idiot is wearing no helmet, a thin cotton t-shirt, a backwards baseball cap, jeans, and tennis shoes. A 'do-rag' is an acceptable substitute for the backwards baseball cap, evidently. I also laugh at the sportbike idiots who carry their helmets on the seat behind them, or in the lock-up for the 'd-ring.' I won't even mention the passengers.
Two road accidents for me, ironically either going to or from work on fire-rescue, neither my fault, both were ticket-issued moving violations for those who hit me, taught me that you can never have too-much protection. Each one was two+ months out of work. I made full recoveries, but am very lucky for what happened to me, and neither happened at speeds above 45 mph. "Hey, you should be able to stop in 30 ft from 30 mph, why didn't you?" Because when someone turns left in-front of you and stops across your lane, and there is oncoming traffic from the opposite direction, and traffic beside you, there arre no other options! Or, when you are crossing a bridge, and someone realizes they are in the wrong lane, and instead of going out of their way to continue across the bridge, and make a u-turn, they decide to change lanes and sideswipe you into three months later.
Kyle's description of riding "with two socks" left me laughing. I have seen him in his sleeveless shirts and hope that he at least uses a mesh armored jacket, which is my minimum torso coverage. I have gotten to use heavier gloves, I used to buy thinner 'summer gloves,' but now protect my hands better as a matter of choice. I still get significant capillary circulatory patterns on a cool day from where I had 2nd & 3rd degree abrasions across my palms from an incident when I didn't have gloves. The next time, I ruined a pair of gloves, but my hands were intact, thank god. We live, we learn.
Kyle, were they "tube socks", or 'anklets?':biglaugh: Gamorgo said: hopefully, three of them!