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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bettendorf Iowa
So yesterday a set of carbs came in from Mr. Morley to install on my buddies '87 Venture and this is what it looked like when it came out of the box... :damn angry: Damn USPS! I'm pretty sure that this is where in the box we had the issue. My buddy, Bill was surprised they were damaged as they were packed very well. But you know USPS. They like to play football with them. Ugh... So we set off to disassemble two racks of carbs to use the body of an old one with the new parts installed in the broken one.

It took us a few hours with a pizza break thrown in there but we got it whooped! The diaphragms aren't the best so they'll need replaced soon but the bike popped right off.

We have one issue. The front left carb float/needle is stuck open we believe as it just pukes gas out when it's running. :bang head: Probably happened in shipping is our guess. No doubt it took a hell of a hit.

Positive thing is the carb we rebuilt worked like a champ! :eusa_dance:

I have to give a shout out to Sean for his help and apologize for potentially waking him up with my last text message... :whistlin: Also a shout out to Maleko for his carb sticky. It helped set the float. Nice to have an actual picture to make sure you're doing it right. Like Bill said last night... "Isn't technology great?"

So now we need to figure a way to dislodge the damn float or needle or both... We want to do it without pulling them again.:confused2: Sean recommended some carb clean down the vent or fuel line to that individual carb. I hammered on it with a screw driver handle with no luck. I think they'll be coming back out.

On a side note... Replacing a fuel filter on a Venture is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS! WTF was Yamaha thinking? It literally took us less time to pull the carbs off the bike!



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Were they insured?

Carb cleaner down the fuel nipple or even compressed air may work.
They were insured the normal $100. Not sure what they will pay out but will have to check it out when I get them back.

sean, with how much shipping you do, do you run into these issues a lot?
We may try the compressed air. We'll try any less invasive way before we unrack them.
Not very often. This is the first one this year and I think we had one seat damaged last year. Not all that bad considering.

Sean sent me my carbs that he rebuilt last summer and I can tell you for a fact he packes them well. Damn UPS, they have ruined many things I have had delivered by them. Even if you pay for extra insurance they do their best to try and decline the claim.

Good luck I hope it all works out for you.... all I can say, it was a good thing you were working with Sean. I know one way or another it will get taken care of.

Still doesn't make it suck any less though !!!!!!
+ 1 = ups destroyed a windshield right before i was leaving to sturgis last year. no pack job would have helped. looked like it had been run over bt a fork lift!
This was actually sent via USPS if my shipper (dad) was correct. He's pissed and takes it personally. Got a call from another person I get some of my engines from and they got my letter but it was opened and no check - nice! Now I have to try and get the bank to cancel the check and start over.

UPS sometimes like to play football with some packages it seems. I received a box last year that looked like somebody had kicked it through the dirt the whole way from California, the box was in a round like shape and it was dirty to the touch.
This was actually sent via USPS if my shipper (dad) was correct. He's pissed and takes it personally. Got a call from another person I get some of my engines from and they got my letter but it was opened and no check - nice! Now I have to try and get the bank to cancel the check and start over.


Oh OK well I am one to give credit where credit is due so I edited my OP. lol

OK so Bill gave me a call last night and said that the carb is working fine now. Something the gas and seafoam must have fixed... lol Weird!

So he got the vent lines connected up and ran. They run back in front of the rear tire Sean.

He's coming over tonight to sync up the carbs.

Oh and Sean, his intakes were BEA-utiful! I stretched and inspected them for cracks but they were like new so he's sending back all the ones you sent.

Is it OK to send the carb back in pieces? No real reason to put it back together IMO.

Cheers all!

LOL, get with me on shipping them back. Are you shipping them or is he? Must be running if he's going to bring it over anyway.

Yeah it cleared up the issue on its own... I live about 20 minutes from him so hopefully all goes well.

He'll be shipping them back. I'll make sure he puts the parts in a ziplock or something.

Well we got his carbs sync'd last night... What a PITA!!! #1 carb was damn near sucking mercury right from the get-go. I had to adjust the sync blindly until it was close enough to get the sticks on them. Once we got that done we adjusted them in.

The bike was running richer than ****... SUPER rich so IMO he needs to put a few miles on it and see what he thinks and then replace the diaphragms and perhaps go down on the mains.

Nice, I had wondered about the sync and think I even mentioned that it was going to be off. I am sorry I could not remember the jet size but just can't remember. I know they use smaller mains the vmax's

Nice, I had wondered about the sync and think I even mentioned that it was going to be off. I am sorry I could not remember the jet size but just can't remember. I know they use smaller mains the vmax's


Get this Sean... He's taking it today up to the Dells in WI around into MN and then down into IA with a bunch of guys... Nothing like a road trip to test it out! lol

Oh and it's raining and 54?F... :eusa_dance:

Like he texted me this AM... "They're crazy and I'm stupid"
OMG guys... This bike and SEAN have tested us! I think Sean wanted to see how good I was mechanically... :biglaugh: Well IMO I passed with flying colors. Finding what I did yesterday put me on a WHOLE new rung of the ladder. :rofl_200:

So we installed these rebuilt carbs what now; a month or so ago? We have been fighting an issue where fuel dumps out of the vent tube when it's running. We couldn't figure out why it was doing it. We ended up taking the carbs out a total of three times I think. The second time was to rejet them as they were WAY fat. We then reinstalled and then it started leaking out the vent. The issue wasn't with the carb that we had to replace due to the shipping damage. (see above ouch)

So last night Bill and I removed the carbs completely (includes taking the throttle cables off which on a venture is MUCH harder due to cruise control and 23 year old cables) We unracked the one carb that was leaking whilst running and I decided to hook a hose to the fuel inlet nipple to make sure the needle and seat were sealing and keeping fuel from overflowing and coming out the vent hose. When I blew on the hose and held the needle down air was just pissing out of somewhere:confused2:. So we start looking around and we find the culprit. It's from a threaded hole that's used to rack the carbs up. It's the front side plate that is used to rack them up from left to right and has four fairly large screws to do so. Someone in the past must have use too long of a screw and it broke the back side of the hole out which happens to run directly into the fuel inlet area. Now... Our guess is it allowed fuel to leak around the seat instead of through the middle where the needle would shut it off. We replaced yet another one of the carb bodies with a stock unit, using all the new parts from the rebuilt carb, installed it all back in, spent an hour lubing the throttle cables and fishing them into the carbs (TOTAL BITCH ON A VENTURE) and fired it off. NOT A LEAK!!!!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We high five'd a few times over the course of the night.

When we started you had to push and pull the throttle closed as the 23 year old cables were just gummed up. When we were done it flicked back with authority.:punk: (That was a high five moment)

When we started it and it didn't leak... (that was a high five moment)

I believe there was a third one in there too... :biglaugh:

Anyway... knock on wood here... I think we're good to go. He's going to bring it over sometime soon to sync them again when I get my Carbtune and THEN ride the **** out of it.

I want to go on record as saying Sean would have NO idea that this hole was in there so we don't blame him at all. I'm just glad we could figure it out! :clapping:

Cheers all!


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Yea, I do feel bad for not catching that. Not sure what the hell that was all about? Possible damage from when the PO changed the needle/seat assemblies maybe? They probably gave up after that and is why I ended up with the carbs.

Glad to see you got her sorted out.


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