Paris France attacks

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Given that the perpetrators didn't care if they died and maybe even wanted that outcome I doubt that it would have made any difference.

Seems reasonable to suggest that if the perpetrators demise was one minute after they entered the concert hall, as opposed to 10+ minutes, it would have made a considerable difference!

'Friendly' fire? Possibly....things have to be pretty confusing in a situation like that....but my way of thinking is that ANYTHING is better than just sitting there waiting to get shot!

But that's just me......:confused2:
This was meant to be a thread about the french bombings...not a platform for pro gun.
I'm happy to live in a country with strict laws on guns...I have no fear of my kids being gunned down at school...or being blasted at a movie.
You with all your "right to bear arms" don't have that peace of mind...
So let's just unite against a crazed religious faction and talk bike'n'bollox.
This was meant to be a thread about the french bombings...not a platform for pro gun.
I'm happy to live in a country with strict laws on guns...I have no fear of my kids being gunned down at school...or being blasted at a movie.
You with all your "right to bear arms" don't have that peace of mind...
So let's just unite against a crazed religious faction and talk bike'n'bollox.
I disagree.
I have never felt unsafe here in the US.
I definitely have peace of mind where I live.
I also believe you are entitled to your opinions but so am I.

All I know is that criminals and terrorists tend to NOT attack when there is a heavily armed presence.
And neither of them obey gun laws like law abiding citizens do.

This is what a few citizens can do in situations like that even with out guns:
"In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a larger state."

In other words, a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas can cause a typhoon in the Japanese Sea.

Think about it, in mid-20th Century America, an 18 year old hippie freshman *#*& (You Fill In) in a Honolulu college has sex with an older Kenyan politician on a student visa, who has a wife and child back in Africa. And from this "roll in the hay" comes the collapse and dissolution of America in the 21st Century.

Interesting isn't it. It makes you a firm believer in the "butterfly effect."
I disagree.
I have never felt unsafe here in the US.
I definitely have peace of mind where I live.
I also believe you are entitled to your opinions but so am I.

All I know is that criminals and terrorists tend to NOT attack when there is a heavily armed presence.
And neither of them obey gun laws like law abiding citizens do.

This is what a few citizens can do in situations like that even with out guns:

+1 I've never felt unsafe in the U.S. either.

Criminals seek out 'soft' targets because that's where the easy money is....terrorists seek the same targets because of the increased horror and terror those attacks create.

It doesn't make sense to me for anyone to intentionally make themselves an easy target....but, to each his own....:confused2:
This was meant to be a thread about the french bombings...not a platform for pro gun.
I'm happy to live in a country with strict laws on guns...I have no fear of my kids being gunned down at school...or being blasted at a movie.
You with all your "right to bear arms" don't have that peace of mind...
So let's just unite against a crazed religious faction and talk bike'n'bollox.

This seems kind of invalid to me Paris was Anti gun to & a lot of people were sitting ducks & had no way to defend there self. Do you think this could not happen in Australia because of strict gun laws when it just happened in Paris. Criminals do not care ! The states here that have the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence.
This seems kind of invalid to me Paris was Anti gun to & a lot of people were sitting ducks & had no way to defend there self. Do you think this could not happen in Australia because of strict gun laws when it just happened in Paris. Criminals do not care ! The states here that have the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence.

There are less than 150 gun homicides in France a year. The US has way more than that every week.

I'm pretty sure they prefer things their way.
This was meant to be a thread about the french bombings...not a platform for pro gun.
I'm happy to live in a country with strict laws on guns...I have no fear of my kids being gunned down at school...or being blasted at a movie.
You with all your "right to bear arms" don't have that peace of mind...
So let's just unite against a crazed religious faction and talk bike'n'bollox.

A fair point to make and our thoughts should be with those who lost loved ones or suffered injury as a result.
To what degree civilians with guns would have changed the situation is a sterile argument as we have no way of knowing. We are all entitled to our opinions.
I'm also with you regarding gun laws. This, this and this (amongst others) make interesting reading.

Keep you firearms if it helps you feel safe......
There are less than 150 gun homicides in France a year. The US has way more than that every week.

I'm pretty sure they prefer things their way.

I am just saying it can still happen anywhere. It does not matter if they are illegal people will find a way. It is the people that are evil if they want to kill they will find a way rather it be a gun , knife or a bomb.
This was meant to be a thread about the french bombings...not a platform for pro gun.
I'm happy to live in a country with strict laws on guns...I have no fear of my kids being gunned down at school...or being blasted at a movie.
You with all your "right to bear arms" don't have that peace of mind...
So let's just unite against a crazed religious faction and talk bike'n'bollox.

It really doesn't matter what the Gun control laws are in your country. The terrorists bring there own. The question is Do you want the ability to defend yourself and family. I do, and I have the "Right to bear arms" that gives me that ability.
Like a few have already said, I never, in anyway felt unsafe here. I sometimes think there's this mentality that there are gun fights on every corner, and you have to crouch and run in fear of getting shot just to go to work. That's so far from reality.
There talking about the bombings in Paris, on the radio. The terrorists used playstation 4's to communicate. I guess its easy to go undetected on there. They said one of the terrorists reloaded 3 times. They also said the US is going to take between 65 to 100 thousand Syrian refugees. There's a large list of states that will not accept any of the refugees coming here. New York is welcoming them with open arms. It's reported that 300 syrian refugees are coming to erie county. That's were I live. several hundred more are coming to the Rochester NY area. An hour away. Oh Boy. Thank you Mr Cuomo.:bang head::bang head:
There talking about the bombings in Paris, on the radio. The terrorists used playstation 4's to communicate. I guess its easy to go undetected on there. They said one of the terrorists reloaded 3 times. They also said the US is going to take between 65 to 100 thousand Syrian refugees. There's a large list of states that will not accept any of the refugees coming here. New York is welcoming them with open arms. It's reported that 300 syrian refugees are coming to erie county. That's were I live. several hundred more are coming to the Rochester NY area. An hour away. Oh Boy. Thank you Mr Cuomo.:bang head::bang head:

Yup.....even tho a refugee passport was found near the body of a Paris attacker!

Even tho a message from IS said there will be an attack on Washington DC.

Cops with automatic weapons and bomb sniffing dogs on patrol in New York City.

Serious stuff!
It really doesn't matter what the Gun control laws are in your country. The terrorists bring there own. The question is Do you want the ability to defend yourself and family. I do, and I have the "Right to bear arms" that gives me that ability.
Like a few have already said, I never, in anyway felt unsafe here. I sometimes think there's this mentality that there are gun fights on every corner, and you have to crouch and run in fear of getting shot just to go to work. That's so far from reality.

Gun control means nothing to the determined fanatic.....this is one way around it!
Here is an interesting read:

I'm including a quote from the article. These are things being discussed every day on hundreds of campuses across the country. What is happening is apparently a quashing of freedom of expression and an assault on the liberties of people to be exposed to ideas other than their own without instigating job action against them.

Two terms have risen quickly from obscurity into common campus parlance. Microaggressions are small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless. For example, by some campus guidelines, it is a microaggression to ask an Asian American or Latino American “Where were you born?,” because this implies that he or she is not a real American. Trigger warnings are alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response. For example, some students have called for warnings that Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart describes racial violence and that F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby portrays misogyny and physical abuse, so that students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic violence can choose to avoid these works, which they believe might “trigger” a recurrence of past trauma.

Beware of what is happening, because freedom of speech is being curtailed, and the PC ideas being spread interfere with the ability of students to be able to perform critical thinking, which is a valuable commodity to an employer. What is that? The ability to reason, to think, and to arrive at an informed decision to perform whatever work needs to be done within an organization, where value lies in making ethical and appropriate choices based upon economy, efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness. Think of a multiple choice test question where every answer is correct: which is best? Explain your choice.

This is a hot topic in education now, and the narcisstic U-Missouri students are going to be very unhappy in the "real world" once they emerge from their 'safe-space' cocoons, and start searching for gainful employment. Who would hire someone who is just going to be a thorn in the organization's flesh?

I have an extended family member who has a degree from Missouri in computer science, and he is a very bright person. He has done well for his family, and it's a shame to see the negative publicity accruing to an institution where they have done so-well in the past, and now are known for the wrong kind of things, from this negative publicity. Ask the alumni relations office, I bet their donations are going to take a massive hit from this, affecting the endowment fund and the operations of the university for years to come.
Yup, you nailed it Danny. Citizens with planes with mini-guns. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and stupid comparisons should be disregarded as such. Although I'll bet faced with the prospect of a plane full of armed citizens the bad guys may have reconsidered their options. On a more serious note one would have to be a real sheep to choose being gunned down unarmed and unable to do much as opposed to at least being able to throw some lead back em.

+1, for sure. They won't always come in planes,as we've just seen. Big events, where there are lots of people need special attention/protection.
Colleges are another example of mindless wanderings , how's that for a ' trigger warning ' ? Just like our government ( congress and the house ) these kids are , ( hopefully but I doubt it ) , coming to grips with the realism of life beyond mommy and daddy's protection . They think there's a 6 figure job waiting for them and every day they see a snag developing called reality aka life . Not very comforted they will retreat to finger pointing and not dealing with reality and responsibility ( think liberal thoughts ) . They feel they should be taken care of beginning with free education...I'm all for it , see if Elisabeth Warren will give up her million dollar job at Harvard and teach for free...:rofl_200:

These ******** need a good backhand and a foot in the ass to wake them up...send them to China or Russia and see how well they do with their protesting...:wave bye: :th_flipthebird:
Colleges are another example of mindless wanderings , how's that for a ' trigger warning ' ? Just like our government ( congress and the house ) these kids are , ( hopefully but I doubt it ) , coming to grips with the realism of life beyond mommy and daddy's protection . They think there's a 6 figure job waiting for them and every day they see a snag developing called reality aka life . Not very comforted they will retreat to finger pointing and not dealing with reality and responsibility ( think liberal thoughts ) . They feel they should be taken care of beginning with free education...I'm all for it , see if Elisabeth Warren will give up her million dollar job at Harvard and teach for free...:rofl_200:

These ******** need a good backhand and a foot in the ass to wake them up...send them to China or Russia and see how well they do with their protesting...:wave bye: :th_flipthebird:

Elizabeth Warren? I smell a turd somewhere.
You know, the president is mocking the people that dont want to allow the Syrian refugees into this country. He basically said that we should allow 3 year old orphans into this country, and that republicans are afraid of 3 year old orphans. he saying that all 10000 Syrian refugees are 3 year old orphans? No...they arent. He also mocked people for saying that we should only allow Syrian Christians into this country. I have to tell him that middle eastern Christians did NOT blow up the world trade center, and did NOT cause the shootings in Paris.

What arrogance. You can see it in his face.....he believes that he is right, and that everyone else is wrong. What fu*king arrogance.