paypal refund....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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so i was working with sean on something and we decided not to do it so he refunded me some money via paypal... He refunded it and it showed that he did on 11/25 via paypal's website....

that money still isn't back on my credit card, they initially said 5 - 7 business days, now they are saying it takes up to 30 days...

what is your guys experience with paypal refunding money once it goes to someone and comes back via refund.? does it take 30 days or a couple weeks or...?

thanks in advance..
I've had a couple of refunds via PayPal, If it came out of my accout it was 5-7 days, but I've had a couple refunds back to my CC and it was 30+ days.

Ive been told its a CC thing not no much a paypal, its to make sure the might banks aren't getting screwed I guess.
so i was working with sean on something and we decided not to do it so he refunded me some money via paypal... He refunded it and it showed that he did on 11/25 via paypal's website....

that money still isn't back on my credit card, they initially said 5 - 7 business days, now they are saying it takes up to 30 days...

what is your guys experience with paypal refunding money once it goes to someone and comes back via refund.? does it take 30 days or a couple weeks or...?

thanks in advance..


Check to see if they deposited it into the "Paypal balance" i.e. paypal credit account.

You may have to manually move it from your Paypal balance account into your Credit Card.

Check to see if they deposited it into the "Paypal account" i.e. paypal credit account.

You may have to manually move it from your Paypal credit account into your Credit Card.

thanks man but nah thats @ $0.00...

at least kj has had a similar thing happen...

shitty... not the end of the world but always good to have an extra $100 for the holidays...

Check to see if they deposited it into the "Paypal account" i.e. paypal credit account.

You may have to manually move it from your Paypal credit account into your Credit Card.

I'm good bro, I got all my money. Gamorg02 is the one with refund issues.
Thats one of the things they told me. For protection they wont take a cc payment and put it in your account as cash for theft protection. I tested this by trying to pay myself with my CC, then I sent money to a friend of mine with my CC then he did a refund. Boom back to the CC.

But, you can send money to your friend via a CC, then he can send you cash, you'll just have a little less money after they take thier cut. the last time I checked.
Sorry about that man, not sure what the heck happened. I've not had that before but then again it wasn't back to a CC.


hopefully u didn't take that the wrong way, it was in no-way your fault, maybe even mine a bit for getting excited about the wheels. all the blame here is on paypal or stupid credit card policies... either way no worries man..
hmmm so i was doing some looking and it did get credited back a day or so after you refunded it sean... weird...

i think the problem was it got refunded the day of my statement so slipped by me without noticing since all current transactions went to the next period and those got filed away....

anyways glad they still don't owe me money after almost 45 days...
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