Pickup driver tries to kill Motorcyclist

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I'd love to see "the rest of the story". Without that tape the guy would probably just walk away.
Another fine example of a ****-up at the Planned Parenthood.

While I get the "seeing red" after something like that happens, the smart thing to do, as is almost always the case on a bike is to get away. Don't hang around and dick-the-dog with an obviously ****** up driver in a vehicle 10x the size of you. If I was rider #1, I would have kept it WFO and dusted the truck, taken a turn or two after he was out of sight, then called rider #2 and told them where I was. If I was rider #2, I would have noted the tag number and taken the first turn off the road, then called the other person.

Be smart, don't let the heat of the moment cause you to make decisions you'll regret. Your hands and feet on the controls and a sharp eye will go much farther in keeping you alive than the picture of the driver's head bouncing off the sidewalk. Anger leads to rage, rage leads to hasty decisions, and hasty decisions inevitably lead to ****-ups. Stay calm, stay alive.
RaWarrior although I respect your opinion and it may be the prudent one I can guarantee the guy in the PU would not have walked away from that confrontation after what he did then pulled out a crow bar. Cooler heads around here rarely prevail when a driver pulls that kind of crap.

Personally I hope he's locked up or the next guy he pulled it on didn't have a camera rolling to record the outcome. The less evidence the better when it comes to scum bags like that.
Bang!!!!!!, Over.......:gun shoot:
Don't bring a Crowbar to a Gun Fight...
Well he had this crowbar officer , and I was in fear for my life , and that's why he don't move no more .
Hopefully that guy got charged with Willful Reckless driving and assault with a deadly weapon!
If I was in Kevlar and a helmet, I'd took my chances against the crowbar.

Damn straight, a crowbar, unless used to "jab" poinjted end first, isn't going cause that much damage through leather. One decent headbutt with the helmet, however, and Mr.Hick ain't gonna be shouting no more :biglaugh:
Damn straight, a crowbar, unless used to "jab" poinjted end first, isn't going cause that much damage through leather. One decent headbutt with the helmet, however, and Mr.Hick ain't gonna be shouting no more :biglaugh:

If I have a crowbar , and you don't have anything but leather and a helmet ............. how are you gonna stop it from a baseball style swinging motion ?
:rofl_200: Well , O.K. then .

+1 . . . same with any "swinging" weapon. Just watch boxers, when they are struggling, they grapple. You cant swing for someon who's up in your face. The second he takes the back swing, step in close, and aim your full face helmet directly into his. You need to know sh*t like this when you leave in a country that has banned ownership of ALL handguns, even *with* a licence! :confused2:

I'm in the process of trying to mount an adjustable spanner on my bike in a kind of holster. ...... What? this officer? that's in case I break down and may need to remove the wheel/bars/forks, etc. :biglaugh:
+1 . . . same with any "swinging" weapon. Just watch boxers, when they are struggling, they grapple. You cant swing for someon who's up in your face. The second he takes the back swing, step in close, and aim your full face helmet directly into his. You need to know sh*t like this when you leave in a country that has banned ownership of ALL handguns, even *with* a licence! :confused2:

I'm in the process of trying to mount an adjustable spanner on my bike in a kind of holster. ...... What? this officer? that's in case I break down and may need to remove the wheel/bars/forks, etc. :biglaugh:

Just starting off , I won't be struggling , crowbar will already be ready to swing , he steps close with his helmet down ........ , argument settled .