Pissed and venting - Non handicapped drivers parking in Handicapped spaces. Do you call them out or walk by?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Ventura, CA
Just dropped off the wife's car at the Jag dealership at closing time. I was on the bike, she was following. Full sized Dodge RAM is parked in the handicapped space next to three open customer parking spaces. I park next to the truck. No placard, no handicap plates on the truck. A salesman walks up and I ask if it is his truck since it has the dealership's license plate frame. He says yes. I ask if he is handicapped or has a placard to park in a handicap space. He says no but it is private property. I say that does not matter because they have parking for the public and it is against the law. I go inside to look for management and speak with the last manager closing up. He says they only park there for five minutes when closing. I ask why not use the other three spaces, the curb or the big empty new car apron - and why are you defending your employee parking in a handicap space? He says sorry.

The wife says don't cause trouble, I say gotta speak up and call them out. Thoughts?
Funny you should mention this. My wife and I are back in Detroit this week for medical appointments.

Only a few hours ago, my wife pointed out a young lady parking in a handicapped spot to load her truck. She had no placard and was obviously not handicapped.

My wife and I are really disheartened at the selfishness and laziness of Americans in general.

Another example: Why leave the shopping cart sitting in the middle of the parking lot when the cart corral is only 50 feet away? Don't care if the wind pushed it into someone else's car- it's only about me.

Or the case where you are waiting in line in traffic to make a turn and someone thinks it's OK to go to the front of the line and try to force their way in......

We're so glad we moved to rural area "up north" where folks are more respective of right and wrong; and they care about each other.
Since my Mum is disabled heavily I have zero understanding and even less tolerance or understanding for people parking on a parking space for handicapped.

I usually make pictures and call the police.

Here (in Austria) the minimum fine for this attitude is usually 500$. Sometimes the car is even getting secured with clamps. NO MERCY.
I know a lady friend of my G.F. , who got her handicapped parking plate / decal while undergoing hip surgery 4 years ago. She still uses it. Do I call her out and risk the ire with my G.F. , or let her handle it ?
Hypothesis - no objective supporting data:

A. This is only one in a bouquet of different areas where common sense and common decency have taken a back seat to more guttural human instincts. Right, wrong, how or why, one could debate, but less arguable is the fact that it is.

B. We are angry about other stuff. Many folks nationwide seem pretty angry and divided. It shows in traffic, in the grocery store, in line at the bank. It's wild to watch how people generally treat each other.

These behaviors are a manifestation of the above attitudes. A, it's their right to that spot. B, effem' if they dont like it".

Tactfully telling a manager is a complete go, how can a manager fix an issue that is unknown to him. Sounds like this manager was indifferent, I guess I would vote with my wallet. Make sure the regional office knows why your next car will be an Audi, BMW or Lexus (even if it wont be). The more formal and tactful your letter is the more seriously it might be taken. There must be countless reputable Euro specialists in your area, maybe they thought you needed them more than you actually do?
It's not just up north in densely populated areas.
I drive all around the south mostly in rural areas in a big van, I get ciut off and blocked in to parking spots constantly.
on the other hand I get people who let me by by almost every day.
many years ago when I first started driving I parked in a handicapped spot th o use the ATM.
when I was pulling out of that spot.
a guy with a Walker gave me the stink eye...
as he walked past me.
that cured me for ever.
I think there are so many inconsiderate people who are just oblivious to everything around them .
clearly, they weren't raised with a father who smacked the back of their head and said " watch what you are doing numb nuts". every time I stood in front of an elevator or something like that.
Posting on social media with picture documentation may reach a large audience and the kind of attention not-desired by the business.

We have a tropical storm and flood watch now in So. FL. I went out this a.m. to go to my friend's shop, where I have a VMax I'm fixing for re-sale. A trip that should take me 45 minutes was over two hours today, and I gave up and turned-around without making it to the shop. Traffic was near-gridlock, and I saw many instances of aggressive behavior, like people in the right lane cutting-across traffic lanes to turn left, people sitting in the middle of the intersection gridlocked because the light has now changed, and cross-traffic has nowhere to go, people driving down the oncoming lane of traffic because they don't want to wait in-line, and more stupidity. I keep telling myself, "it's only a few minutes more, don't do something you'll regret. No tickets!" On-ramps and off-ramps were flooded and closed.

I was up there at my friend's shop yesterday making plans for my bike work, and look what was on the workstand. Anything noticeable about this? 🤔 🧐😛

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Good for you for saying something! I always park away from other cars because I don’t want door dings and I have no problem walking the extra distance so someone who may not be as healthy can park closer. Whenever I see someone in a handicap parking spot I immediately look for a placard, if I don’t see one I’ll look at the license plate as well sometimes it’s there, if nothing I give em the stink eye. I’ve learned though That I should give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they have a legitimate right to be there in that spot, I try too. It’s marked off for a reason, if someone is blatantly parking there to be lazy I’d say something as well. My family would get upset with me and tell me to shut up and mind my own business because I am embarrassing them but that’s the problem with society now a days. That person should be embarrassed for parking there! Not me for saying something, what happened where it got turned around? People are all about themselves now, it’s a total disgrace. No manners or respect, no one holds a door or says thank you for doing so, even walking into a store the other day a young man said supp! Not hi or hello or may I help you but Supp. I don’t understand how a perfectly able body would have the audacity to park in a spot designated for someone that may have served in war war 2 and is disabled now after fighting so we can be free and have parking places period. Sorry for venting or high jacking the thread but this one really grinds my gears. So glad you said something and hopefully they won’t do it again, takes courage to say anything in this day and age! Thank you!
I witnessed a semi driving the other day. He ran a stop sign at speed. Then stopped at a gas station. Blocking the entrance and 1/2 the gas pumps.It was also the station I was going to.So I pulled up.rolled my window down. And said " you know you just ran a stop sign"
The driver then starts freaking out. Says I was trying to pass him.( he was on a frontage road, I was on the main road) then as I pull up to a gas pump. On the opposite end from where he parked. The driver comes over and keeps running his mouth.saying things like
"You people don't respect semi's "
Then proceeds to say is this racial.( he was a black man)
I then informed him. I have a problem with dumb *****.
And that he is the racist. For even bringing it up. Then he walks towards my truck.
So I step out. Now he sees I'm not going intimidated.
And I ask " Do you want to throw" that's when he stops dead in his tracks. Turns and goes into the station. Where he vents to the clerk. Meanwhile a customer comes out. Gives me a 👍.
And says " that idiot runs that sign all the time."

I contacted the company he dives for. And let them know what transpired. They said they have cameras all over the truck.And will be reviewing the tapes.they also said. If they see he ran the sign.he will be let go.
They also want to see the station footage. So they can see his movements . Walking over to where I had parked. Then walking towards me.

So the answer is YES .
I will say something.
Good for you Woody!!!! Thank you! So many idiots we could talk about, I’m trying not to spew negativity multiple times a day on this thread. But other than riding my Vmax venting is all I have for therapy.
The guy was lucky, you could shoot him in groin area. Some people are always pissed off and just need some reason to blow up.
I tend to escalate hostility. In a confrontation my wife always looks at me like. How are you going to make this worse.

So I try to avoid telling people what to do or what I think of them.

It's not worth it to me to have to go to court over something I did, or they did.

Calling a cop to handle in the right way is what I try to do. It's their job not mine and they have the authority. But I don't always keep my mouth shut.

While camping in Florida a camper ******* actually dropped off his trailer in a handicap parking space over night.

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