Politics: Nunes Memo

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And who cares he ****** a whore? Pretty common. Equally common to try not to announce it to the world that you ****** a whore. Then you got all these petty little ***** looking for any angle to try and take him down. Nothing BUT HATE 24-7 from the "media" and the bastard still took the title. It's going to be a long couple terms for the haters. See that stupid bitch in India basically calling middle America deplorable again? Right before she fell down some stairs again? Yeah, great leader there, ******* ****. Had your vote though, right?
I'm still glad I voted for him.
And proud too.
Not trying to speak of anybody on this board, but I noticed that he's kind of like a hemorrhoid. He really does a great job of irritating all the ********.
Kronx, were you this critical of Obama? I don't recall seeing you constantly crying about him.
I'm really just fed up with all this bandwagon hate. Sure seems like **** is going pretty good here in America.
Folks working, lower theft from the paycheck, but crocodile tears from so many.
Step away from the TV and Facebook. Talk to working folks. Everything is ok.

If being against an administration that has committed conspiracy against the United States makes me an *******, then so be it. I *AM* an ******* when it comes to blatant treason. I'll gladly own that.

Folks working: Yep, they are and HAVE been. This is nothing new. This has been the trend for several years. When Obama was in office, it was horrible, but Trump is in office all is good suddenly. Did you know more jobs were created in Obama's last year in office than Trumps first year? But the majority of my criticism of Trump has been in regards to Russia, not the economy. Although in regards to your comment about less theft from the check. That is true. But that part of your paycheck that's been paying into FICA and SSI for all of your working life is on the chopping block to pay for those tax cuts. One way or another we're on the losing end of that GOP tax plan.

Being critical of Obama: No, I haven't been as critical of Obama as I have been of Trump. There were other people doing that - plenty of threads on this board criticizing Obama's golf trips and decisions. I'm guessing you were fine with those though. But as I said above, most of my criticism has been in regards to Trump and Russia. And in that regard I have been critical of Obama's failure to respond to that threat they were most certainly aware of. I have been a long critic of when he mocked Romney in the 2012 debate when Romney said our #1 geopolitical threat Russia.

I've also admitted/confessed my bias when it comes to Russia. I was in intel in the Air Force near the end of the cold war. I had to take lie detector tests every six months(yep they used them back then) while getting interrogated in regards to selling/giving secrets to the Soviets. It wasn't because I was suspected of it, it came with the job and the security clearance, we all had to do it every six months. We had to study the ways they would tried to compromise us. This was during the time Putin was a rising star in the KGB. Putin does not want anything good for America. He's fundementallly against everything we stand for. So again, I admit my bias about Russia in that regard. I introspect. I wondered "I was trained to always consider Russian influence. Am I the proverbial 'hammer that only sees a nail' here?" I still have friends whom I served with in the intel community that are still in intel. I bounced my concerns about my bias off of them. Am I wrong here? All my instincts are telling me this man is a Russian asset. And all of my friends(who are almost all Republicans by the way) said I my instincts aren't wrong. There's something definitely wrong here. James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence and a man I met and worked under while he was a general in USAF has publically called Trump a Russian asset. But I'm sure we're just a bunch of cucks and ********.

As far as my constant "crying" I put politics in the thread title since I know there are people who dont want to read it and they can skip the thread.
I'm ok being called a jerk or a deplorable ! I work hard for what I have.. I would have voted for obama over romney just the fact that romney is a career free loafing politician . I thought obammy would help bring people together but FAILED big time and gets an F . I will never vote democrat ever ever just cause of obama and clinton and the way the dnc acted it's a shame and disgrace . Now about Trump I don't care for him as a person I wish he would just shut the **** up but I believe he will get things done that should already been done before and yes if it means agreeing with dems on certain items so be it . 7 more years and then Pence for 8 more That's who I will be voting for . The dems have left a bad taste that I won't swallow .
And who cares he ****** a whore? Pretty common. Equally common to try not to announce it to the world that you ****** a whore. Then you got all these petty little ***** looking for any angle to try and take him down. Nothing BUT HATE 24-7 from the "media" and the bastard still took the title. It's going to be a long couple terms for the haters. See that stupid bitch in India basically calling middle America deplorable again? Right before she fell down some stairs again? Yeah, great leader there, ******* ****. Had your vote though, right?

Thank you for proving my point. Yes, people who don't want certain information to get out are targets for blackmail. THAT'S THE POINT! That's what Russia calls kompromat. That's why a person's history BEFORE they run for public office is important. Just so we're clear, when I talk about a **** storm coming, I'm in no way talking about Stormy Daniels. Although the fact that could be confused as that way is funny and sad at the same time.

As far as Clinton's recent comments, I wasn't familiar with them and interestingly enough when I did a search my very first results were articles talking about Democrats criticizing her for the comments. Which again goes back to my point I made earlier about the GOP needing to do that to Trump.

I predict trump resigns before impeached when the Mueller investigation digs into trumps finances. (Just a thought) I don't follow this stuff too closely but do find it very interesting the difference in opinions from dem to republican. Shows how politically divided we are.
Also if anyone is anti democrat and anti ******* there is the libertarian party. I would like to see a third party gain enough popularity to be seriously considered for president. Seems to me both DNC and GOP are pretty corrupt.

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I predict trump resigns before impeached when the Mueller investigation digs into trumps finances. (Just a thought) I don't follow this stuff too closely but do find it very interesting the difference in opinions from dem to republican. Shows how politically divided we are.
Also if anyone is anti democrat and anti ******* there is the libertarian party. I would like to see a third party gain enough popularity to be seriously considered for president. Seems to me both DNC and GOP are pretty corrupt.

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Didn't mean to imply republicans are ******** in the last post. Was refurring to trump, as he has been referred too previously.

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Today Trump admin imposed some of the penalties of the sanctions law that passed last year. But they only imposed a handful of the many listed in the law. And the ones they imposed really don't hurt Russia(no economic portions of the sanction were imposed). But at least it's a start. I hope to see more to follow. Not holding my breath though.

While the MSM is occupied reporting about Trump lying to Trudeau and Mueller's subpeona's on the Trump Org what's flying below the radar in the news today is DHS and FBI put out official statements warning us about Russia actively hacking our power grids, water processing plants, and air transportation systems. I don't know what else it takes to see Russia is not our friend, but I forgot, it's all fake news anyway.

Barry R. McCaffrey: Retired Four Star General, inducted in the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame, two Distinguished Service Crosses, three Purple Hearts, 2 Silver Stars, fought in Vietnam and Iraq, National Security Professor at West Point, and what I suppose will now be accused of being a snowflake suffering from TDS, said this of Donald Trump today:

"Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin."

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