Pool Party.... oh wait its a gun toting white racist.....

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Well, that's 'one' story of what may have happened at the pool "party" that day. Of course we all know by now that some of the actual parents involved (and actually invited) to that party are all over FaceBook with a completely different take on what happened, and how the "uninvited" teens made a disaster out of the whole ordeal. And considering some of those same parents claim to have been interviewed by some of the major news outlets, it leaves me wondering why we aren't seeing the actual chain of events on the nightly news, or on their web sites.
The actual chain of events is not being covered by the major new media because it does not support the narrative.

The story they want is an out of control cop going off the reservation on some youths, peacefully enjoying a pool party.

The actual story is probably closer to scores of both uninvited and unauthorized guests storming a community pool (as in owned by the HOA) and driving people out. A free-for-all rave type situation.

When some media outlets report that people are "climbing the fence" to get in, then things are thoroughly out of hand. They are trying to gain traction from a 15 second video clip of a single cop trying to deal with a screaming mob, closing in on him from 3 sides.
If you watch the entire video, the girl he put on the ground had amble opportunity to leave. She initially walked away but continued to run her mouth, as did the couple of girls who moved back into the cops face after they were told to get back. IMHO if you want to **** with the police and play big gansta, then expect to be treated as such. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The group of guys approaching the cop from his right, the guy in the navy blue shirt was aggressively moving toward the cop, fist clenched, and well within striking distance. I would say that at that point the cop was in danger of being overpowered by multiple persons. Pulling his sidearm certainly looked like the correct response to me.

Given the behavior of the mobs in Ferguson and Baltimore, I am sure the cop was acutely aware of the potential for this to turn into a ground and pound and he acted appropriately.
Kid was running her mouth , cop over-reacted . obama and his ***** racist mongrels will get to the bottom of this and empower the blacks to disrespect law enforcement more and more until Charley Manson's premonition comes true...:bang head:
I would hope that the story is that a bunch of troublesome youth who have no idea how to deal with the police by stopping and sitting down when commanded to do so were killed during a strafing run by a McKinney Police Department Apache Attack Helicopter.

Black lives may matter but law enforcement lives don't seem to...even if they are black law enforcement lives.
Obama, Dems and Dem Media are doing everything possible to discredit Police. Police Officers will all become afraid to do their jobs and we will have more Anarchy.
In will come the Feds and then:hitsfan:

I was.outraged when I saw this clip, i was stunned and beyond angry.

How could this cop possibly be faulted for drawing on an unruly crowd that was aggressively flanking him. That mouthy little bitch should have put her stupid ******* face in the grass when told to do so. Entitled little ****.
The cop and his family were needlessly disrupted over this circus. So who would want to be a cop now that you can be thrown under the buss by those you serve just for doing your job. Some groups will get their way by holding the possability of widespread rioting over our heads, shame on us for setting this precedent. I generally have little trust in law enforcement but this was overtly twisted. I understand boiling anger and defiance from the community over recent injustices, but this is not one of those incidents.

Stay tuned, this will keep happening now, what a dumpster fire!
From what I heard also, that same officer had responded to two suicides just prior to showing up at this "party".

So his adrenaline was probably already sky high.
I had heard that to, the time to argue with a cop is in front of a judge but when your given a direct order by a cop (right or wrong) in a tense situation you can comply or roll the dice. I know that there are hosts of overly aggressive power tripping cops mixed in with the good guys but they provoked him and got what they had coming.

I raised my kids with an understanding of how to properly deal with authorities, this girls parents obviously granted her no such wisdom. Its really pretty simple. Its part of raising young.

Yes sir, no sir, and if you are arrested or interrogated, lawyer please. Cooperate, be polite and envoke your right to shut the **** up. Thats it, all these idiots had to do was calmly walk away but NOOO haha, they gambled and lost, and whinned about it. Im floored by the attitude of entitlement. The cop might have been able to react differently but he was justified IMHO.
To say the cop overreacted is a huge understatement. But he is gone, resigned so he can be a cop elsewhere. The cop was out of line. None of the other cops had problems, just him. That is because he alone inflamed the situation. I wouldn't want him in my town carrying a gun. The guy was experienced but acted like a rookie and didn't know what to do from the gate.

I disagree. I admit the girl who was resisting her detainment could have just complied when asked to leave, but instead by continually resisting and verbally fighting with the officer made the situation escalate to something it shouldn't have gone too. Was the officer supposed to let her rally a crowd and start a riot against him? The two teenage thugs that ran to assault him, was he supposed to throw flowers at them?

My quick questions to anyone who says this officer was out of line.

1 have you ever been in a situation of a crowd of 130 people that were fighting?
2 when a police officer asks you to leave an area, do you run your fat lip and resist?
3 when the above situation arises and you ran your fat lip, and were warned one last time, do you not expect to be detained and if you resist and fight back expect to be meet with force.
4 have you ever done a ride along. If not I highly suggest it.... you will definitely change some of your views.

According to other information this officer had responded to two suicide attempts just prior. Having a super hard job of wing able to turn off the button of adrenaline and aniexty officers have to face is incredible.

Those two "thugs" that ran to attack the officer are lucky they didn't get shot. If he didn't draw his weapon, I can only imagine the chaos that would have become.

Now we just sent a message to everyone.... you can resist and fight the police and win.... especially when you are wrong in doing so.

She could have easily walked away. Hopefully she learned a lesson and doesn't do stupid **** like this again. Next time the outcome might not be as pleasent.

I disagree. I admit the girl who was resisting her detainment could have just complied when asked to leave, but instead by continually resisting and verbally fighting with the officer made the situation escalate to something it shouldn't have gone too. Was the officer supposed to let her rally a crowd and start a riot against him? The two teenage thugs that ran to assault him, was he supposed to throw flowers at them?

My quick questions to anyone who says this officer was out of line.

1 have you ever been in a situation of a crowd of 130 people that were fighting?
2 when a police officer asks you to leave an area, do you run your fat lip and resist?
3 when the above situation arises and you ran your fat lip, and were warned one last time, do you not expect to be detained and if you resist and fight back expect to be meet with force.
4 have you ever done a ride along. If not I highly suggest it.... you will definitely change some of your views.

According to other information this officer had responded to two suicide attempts just prior. Having a super hard job of wing able to turn off the button of adrenaline and aniexty officers have to face is incredible.

Those two "thugs" that ran to attack the officer are lucky they didn't get shot. If he didn't draw his weapon, I can only imagine the chaos that would have become.

Now we just sent a message to everyone.... you can resist and fight the police and win.... especially when you are wrong in doing so.

She could have easily walked away. Hopefully she learned a lesson and doesn't do stupid **** like this again. Next time the outcome might not be as pleasent.

You are asking and expecting a young teenage girl to be more professional and mature than the Cop. That is not right. The weight on appropriate behavior falls on the police. Even before the cop confronted anyone, he was out of control. He landed on his ass in haste to get to the kids. He never, from what I saw, walked into the pool area and talked to both sides. The way he was treating the young girl he should have been beaten down, he assaulted her. He was going to be fired for his actions by his Superior. That should tell you that his actions couldn't be justified. He was at two suicides? Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. So I guess I disagree with you. lol
Anybody who formed their opinion from this purposely edited video clip has been played for a moron by those out to profit from the chaos it has created. This girl wasnt assaulted, to say so is idiotic. When the cop tells you to sit down this isnt an encounter group on the Oprah show. You sit the **** down.
Their have been plenty of oportunities to hear the complete story including rational adults that were there, and whom supported the police. Many simply cant be bothered with the truth and it is because of this inability for many people to think critically that we have the justice and legal system we do.
You are asking and expecting a young teenage girl to be more professional and mature than the Cop. That is not right. The weight on appropriate behavior falls on the police. Even before the cop confronted anyone, he was out of control. He landed on his ass in haste to get to the kids. He never, from what I saw, walked into the pool area and talked to both sides. The way he was treating the young girl he should have been beaten down, he assaulted her. He was going to be fired for his actions by his Superior. That should tell you that his actions couldn't be justified. He was at two suicides? Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. So I guess I disagree with you. lol

I am ok with you disagreeing with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

So yes I expect a young teenage girl to listen to an authority figure after being told NUMEROUS times to vacate or else. I guess she chose the or else.

If you think the video you watched is a good enough portal to pass judgement down on the officer, then I sure hope that if a bad situation is played against you and the slanted version of the video that sends you to jail, never happens. This is exactly what this video is.

There was enough people the were eye witnesses, enough media tweeting "we're gonna **** **** up" that the police had to be involved. If you walk into your house and find someone beating on your family member, do you sit them down and say excuse me... no you defend them... But what if that family member was the one that started the whole ordeal and the person was defending themselves.... well then you just made a grave mistake by not witnessing the entirety of the situation. Which is the case here.

I would suggest that if you ever have the time, do a ride along with your local police. Eye opening experience...... I ve done several. INcluding a drug raid.

The other thing I would suggest if you think the officer was too violent, volunteer at your local pd to help curtail this type of behavior. The PD can always use good volunteers.

Anybody who formed their opinion from this purposely edited video clip has been played for a moron by those out to profit from the chaos it has created. This girl wasnt assaulted, to say so is idiotic. When the cop tells you to sit down this isnt an encounter group on the Oprah show. You sit the **** down.
Their have been plenty of oportunities to hear the complete story including rational adults that were there, and whom supported the police. Many simply cant be bothered with the truth and it is because of this inability for many people to think critically that we have the justice and legal system we do.

Obviously you saw the other videos and reports of the event. Because you are spot on .

Its a sad day when a 30 second video of what happened "AFTER" the event causes people to get in an up roar. Even when it shows the girl completely and utterly refused to obey a direct order from a police officer in the midst of a violent fight that just happened.

I am glad I am not an officer, because you can't do your job without fear of some ******* videoing it and exploiting only partial truths to the matter.