You are asking and expecting a young teenage girl to be more professional and mature than the Cop. That is not right. The weight on appropriate behavior falls on the police. Even before the cop confronted anyone, he was out of control. He landed on his ass in haste to get to the kids. He never, from what I saw, walked into the pool area and talked to both sides. The way he was treating the young girl he should have been beaten down, he assaulted her. He was going to be fired for his actions by his Superior. That should tell you that his actions couldn't be justified. He was at two suicides? Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. So I guess I disagree with you. lol
I am ok with you disagreeing with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
So yes I expect a young teenage girl to listen to an authority figure after being told NUMEROUS times to vacate or else. I guess she chose the or else.
If you think the video you watched is a good enough portal to pass judgement down on the officer, then I sure hope that if a bad situation is played against you and the slanted version of the video that sends you to jail, never happens. This is exactly what this video is.
There was enough people the were eye witnesses, enough media tweeting "we're gonna **** **** up" that the police had to be involved. If you walk into your house and find someone beating on your family member, do you sit them down and say excuse me... no you defend them... But what if that family member was the one that started the whole ordeal and the person was defending themselves.... well then you just made a grave mistake by not witnessing the entirety of the situation. Which is the case here.
I would suggest that if you ever have the time, do a ride along with your local police. Eye opening experience...... I ve done several. INcluding a drug raid.
The other thing I would suggest if you think the officer was too violent, volunteer at your local pd to help curtail this type of behavior. The PD can always use good volunteers.
Anybody who formed their opinion from this purposely edited video clip has been played for a moron by those out to profit from the chaos it has created. This girl wasnt assaulted, to say so is idiotic. When the cop tells you to sit down this isnt an encounter group on the Oprah show. You sit the **** down.
Their have been plenty of oportunities to hear the complete story including rational adults that were there, and whom supported the police. Many simply cant be bothered with the truth and it is because of this inability for many people to think critically that we have the justice and legal system we do.
Obviously you saw the other videos and reports of the event. Because you are spot on .
Its a sad day when a 30 second video of what happened "AFTER" the event causes people to get in an up roar. Even when it shows the girl completely and utterly refused to obey a direct order from a police officer in the midst of a violent fight that just happened.
I am glad I am not an officer, because you can't do your job without fear of some ******* videoing it and exploiting only partial truths to the matter.