Powdercoating wheels

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lafayette IN
Hey all

I'm wondering if anyone has ever powdercoated their wheels. What all is involved? I assume the front is relatively easy, but I you still need to remove the bearings and all the grease - anything else? What about the rear wheel? How difficult is it to disassemble it to have it ready to bake?
All bearings need removed, bead blast the wheels and then clean well and coat.

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4gasem pretty much said it all. I have powdercoated wheels. I ruined one front axle bearing spacer removing some stubborn bearing races. Hope yours come out easier. Once done you will be amazed how well they hold up, how easy to clean they are and how durable the coating is. I get mine done for around $45 bucks each. Funny you brought this up Dave. My powdercoater just moved a few blocks away from me! Could be hazardous to my wallet!
some blind bearing pullers might help the front wheel bearings better.

front wheel is a sinch. rear wheel is easy with a blind bearing puller until u get to the cage bearing. thats more of a pain.
Does it hurt anything to coat the part of the wheel that touches the rotor? One all the oem wheels I see, that area is bare aluminum
I sure wouldn't. Keep the flat machined surface, can't guarantee the powder is level.

Does it hurt anything to coat the part of the wheel that touches the rotor? One all the oem wheels I see, that area is bare aluminum
Leave bare and make sure ALL holes are plugged.

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Just an alternative thought... I have numerous powder coated items around. It/powder coat is neat but I found an alternative/if only white & black will fill your needs. WalMart/Home Depot & others sell Rustoleum EPOXY alliance paint in rattle cans. Home Depot by the quart & gallon. The stuff goes on bare metal/they don't want any soft primer under it & goes on thick, seems to self level & SHINES LIKE THE DICKENS and dries EPOXY hard..... I used it on my new metal front entry door I put on the house. They normally come just primed white. That was 6 years ago, facing the sun due south & it shines like the day I hung it. Wish I could say that about the grill I had powdercoated on my 58 GMC.../discolored & dull.... You would still need to have clear coated items stripped due to the clear coat will continue to peel under the fresh paint but if you were freshening up something already factory black you'd be I think PLEASED

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