Pressure Sensor

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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The solid state pressure sensor vacuum tube (front left hand side of bike) is used to control ignition advance.

Intake vacuum to the cylinders provides a variable voltage to the ignitor system that advances or ******* the spark to the spark plugs.

is your advance working?

How do you test the Vacuum sensor?

1) If you disconnect the vacuum tube from the lower intake manifold of the front left hand cylinder.

2) and replace the rubber vacuum tube which coonects to the brass inlet tube on the lower intake runner with a blind plug.

3) you should be able to do a manual test on the vacuum advance sensor.

Here's how.

Suck (with your mouth or use a syringe) on the rubber intake tube to the vacuum sensor and the engine revs shoulds rise.

If it doesn't, is your sensor unit faulty:ummm:
I await an answer as well.......I believe my check valve in the line is faulty as well. I checked two and I believe they both failed, but not positive.
I think I'll try that tomorrow. I do know if it doesn't work or is unplugged the bike will not run right and is very noticeable.
There is no check valve, that is a reducer connector. I also thought it was a check valve until I checked it out.