PSA: Beware '09 VIN JYAVP29E39A000573

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
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Battle Creek
Future gen2 Vmax owners need to be extra cautious if purchasing this '09 Vmax.

Back Story: The previous owner took this '09 Vmax in to Outdoor Motor Sports in Spearfish, SD for the oil pump recall and the service manager/tech installed the new oil pump improperly. The previous owner had to ride about 70 miles back to the dealership after the new oil pump failed. After a long hassle with the dealership they agreed to purchase the bike at current market value so that the previous owner could purchase a replacement that happened to be for sale at that time (private owner, not from the dealership). Due to the circumstances and actions of this specific dealership after the oil pump failure the previous owner strongly advises that anyone attempting to purchase this '09 VIN request... "a full disclosure statement of the condition of the engine or any repair work that has or has not been performed after the oil pump recall notice"... and I thought I should post this here so anyone that happens across this Vmax is made fully aware of it's status. Caveat Emptor on this one guys.


PS to VMF moderators: If this post violates any forum rules please feel free to remove it or edit it as you see fit. If an edit is required, please make a note of the changes made. Thank you.
My issues are small compared to that situation! So thanks for posting it. Maybe that Dealership should spend the time making sure all is right before letting a customer take the bike?
"The previous owner had to ride about 70 miles back to the dealership after the new oil pump failed" I can't believe that everything worked out in the end to satisfy all. Glad it did though.
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I don't see this as being inappropriate, is it posted on the starvmax forum too?
Anything that saves our VMax Brothers this kind of potential grief should be GTG....
Good heads-up post! Think I'd go a bit farther than a disclosure statement tho and suggest avoiding this bike entirely! The damage caused by that 70 run back to the dealers, while maybe not evident now, could keep showing up over the years, costing the unfortunate owner many dollars and much inconvenience.

Had a buddy that bought a Porsche real cheap...."only lost oil pressure once" was what the seller told him!! What a nightmare he had! Could be looking at the same thing here.
I don't see this as being inappropriate, is it posted on the starvmax forum too?

Yes, Maxout (the user ID of the previous owner over there) posted the VIN earlier today and he explained the horror story in some of his other posts. I took it upon myself to post it here too so that anyone considering a (very expensive) gen2 purchase doesn't potentially make a big mistake in regards to this specific bike.

Because I named the specific dealership involved I tried to be very careful in my wording in my first post so that there is no liability to this forum (or me) if, by a very long shot, the dealership should become aware of it (considering I was not involved).

There is likely some very serious internal damage to this engine that, if it isn't evident immediately, will very likely result in a very short engine life if the dealership doesn't repair/rebuild it properly before they attempt to resale it. I would really hate to see someone potentially get burned on this one.

Poor vmax. I'd say avoid the dealer too but they did man up and do the right thing it seems. I hope they went through the bike extremely well before trying to resell it
Poor vmax. I'd say avoid the dealer too but they did man up and do the right thing it seems. I hope they went through the bike extremely well before trying to resell it

Really think the only thing acceptable would be a complete engine replacement against the 'new' oil pump warranty. Anything less and someones probly gonna get screwed.
I wouldn't have posted this except for the fact that the Service Manager replaced the damaged oil pump,changed the oil and was going to let me ride it out the door even after I made it clear to him that the bike had run 70 miles with the broken gear, made some funny noises, oil turned dark and engine stalled once and was hard to restart.

After I made the Dealership aware of the problem they wanted to rebuild the engine or replace it with a used motor but with no waranty or guarrantee.

They finally ended up giving me $14,000 for my bike. I only agreed to accept that amount as I was able to find another 09 with low miliage that I could replace it with at that cost.

At this time the bike is still in their shop. I have no idea what their plans are for the future are. There is always the potential that the bike could be resold with out teardown. By simply putting oil in it and putting it on the sale line. I guess that would be fine as long as the gave prospective buyers full disclosure of its history.

My worst fear is that the bike would be sold to a unsuspecting buyer. Then the possibilty that a rider could experience engine siezure down the road resulting in accident.

This was the innitial reason for the recall on the pump in the first place.

I wouldn't have posted this except for the fact that the Service Manager replaced the damaged oil pump,changed the oil and was going to let me ride it out the door even after I made it clear to him that the bike had run 70 miles with the broken gear, made some funny noises, oil turned dark and engine stalled once and was hard to restart.

After I made the Dealership aware of the problem they wanted to rebuild the engine or replace it with a used motor but with no waranty or guarrantee.

They finally ended up giving me $14,000 for my bike. I only agreed to accept that amount as I was able to find another 09 with low miliage that I could replace it with at that cost.

At this time the bike is still in their shop. I have no idea what their plans are for the future are. There is always the potential that the bike could be resold with out teardown. By simply putting oil in it and putting it on the sale line. I guess that would be fine as long as the gave prospective buyers full disclosure of its history.

My worst fear is that the bike would be sold to a unsuspecting buyer. Then the possibilty that a rider could experience engine siezure down the road resulting in accident.

This was the innitial reason for the recall on the pump in the first place.


Thanks for posting some of the details, Maxout... I was hoping you would.

Yamaha should take that motor and replace it, if they want that bike on the market. Will that happen? Probably not.
Yamaha should take that motor and replace it, if they want that bike on the market. Will that happen? Probably not.

Nope, the dealer will change the oil, stick it in the "used" bike lineup, and as typically the case with used machines at dealers....totally "AS-IS". So if the motor locks up the next day, ehh, too bad. If someone happens to ask if the oil recall was done, they'll just say yes, but more than likely they won't ask and the dealer won't tell.

I can totally see my local dealer doing something like that. The service manager is a cheap, lying douchebag leading a team of incompetent lazy-asses he calls technicians.
I wouldn't have posted this except for the fact that the Service Manager replaced the damaged oil pump,changed the oil and was going to let me ride it out the door even after I made it clear to him that the bike had run 70 miles with the broken gear, made some funny noises, oil turned dark and engine stalled once and was hard to restart.

:clapping: Tell it like it is. :clapping:

What a great business! With quality service like that, they will need to get their customers to take a number, and wait outside, just to get served! :rofl_200:
That bike will likely end up on eBay with the hopes that it goes very far away from them!

G Man
Yamaha should take that motor and replace it, if they want that bike on the floor...

Replace engine if possible or total tear down, full repair with a warrantee. I'm not sure Gen2 Vmax engines are sold as a whole part? I would tend to doubt it. That dealer has a responsibility to make good to the customers reasonable satisfaction. Again, thanks for letting us know Scott. I'm not sure who got the most satisfaction. Having worked for Yamy, I know under warrantee they'll go any distance to correct problems. A factory Rep will oversee the repair and assist. After warrantee they will make good on a defect sometimes. If Scott's friend got a bike he's happy with then it worked out ok for all. The dealer has insurance and the bike. I'd think a 30 mile test drive would be included in this recall. I'll bet Rick from the Maxgasser Seat Co. would know the answer to that.
When I did the Morley oil pump upgrade I made sure it was done right. Recheck everything 3 times. Not cost effective for a business I suppose. My old boss hated to rush me, that?s the only time I?d screw up. I like to at least double check everything! I?d love to know what the real details of the recall are?
:clapping: Tell it like it is. :clapping:

What a great business! With quality service like that, they will need to get their customers to take a number, and wait outside, just to get served! :rofl_200:
We need to be reminded of this stuff. Do it yourself or get help from a Bro that's done the job, if you can. Lot's of help right on this forum. .
if i could buy it right and send the motor to pcw for a gen 2 big bore?
